Homeopathic Medicine for Quarrelsomeness


Homeopathic Medicine for Quarrelsomeness

Aurum met. (Thrice a day): Peevish at least contradiction. Profound depression. Talks of suicide. Over-sensitive.

Ignatia amara (Thrice a day): Sighing and sobbing with changeable moods. Melancholic and uncommunicative, the symptoms follow shock, grief and disappointment.

Nux vomica (Thrice a day): Irritable, cannot bear noise or smell. The patient is sunken, fault finding and has a fiery temperament.

Petroleum (Thrice a day): Feels that death is near. Irritable, easily offended. Vexed at anything.

Sulphur (One dose daily): Lazy, irritable and depressed. Very selfish with no regard for others. Hates standing, dislikes water and washing.

Tarentula his. (Thrice a day): Sudden changes in moods. Ungrateful and discontented.

Ask A Doctor

You can now consult our well qualified homeopathic doctor for homeopathic treatment of any kind of disease. The consultancy fee is only Rs 200/- . Post making the payment you will be asked about the disease and the symptoms of your disease. Based on your problem, the doctor will instruct you with the name of the medicine and the method of having the medicine. You can make the payment via Paytm App or your debit card. For more inquiry contact on the WhatsApp number - +919006242658

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