Natrum Sulph 3x Uses, Benefits – Natrum Sulphuricum Materia Medica

  • Worse dampness of weather, damp houses, cellars, wet weather
  • Lively music makes her sad
  • Mental traumatism; mental effects from injuries to the head

Source: Mineral kingdom
Synonyms: Sodium sulphate, Glauber’s salt.
Prover: Dr. W. H. Schussler, Dr. Nenning, Dr Von Grauvogl and Dr. Schretter in 1832
Duration of Action: 30 to 40 days
Miasmatic Background: Sycosis
Temperament: Bilious and melancholic
Diathesis: Uric acid diathesis
Thermal Relationship: Chilly patient

Introduction and History: This is one of the most important of Schussler’s twelve tissue remedies. This salt was discovered by Glauber in 1658. Hence it is called Glauber’s salt. It was used by the allopaths as a laxative or purgative. This inorganic salt is found in the intercellular fluids of humans. Its function in the human economy is to regulate water in the blood and other fluids of the body. It keeps blood, bile and pancreatic juice at normal consistency. The deficiency of this salt prevents the elimination of such water from the tissue as is produced by oxidation of organic matter. This is a very important constitutional remedy, corresponding to the hydrogenoid constitution.

Description: It occurs rather abundantly in nature; sea water, saline springs, Russian salt lakes, etc. It is prepared by the action of sulphuric acid on common salt and purified by recrystallization. It forms large, colourless, transparent, oblique, rhombic or six-sided crystals. Natrium sulphuricum attracts water due to retrograde metamorphosis and secures its elimination from the organism.

Preparation: Pure sodium sulphate is triturated as directed in the pharmacy.

Constitution and Physiognomy: Natrium sulphuricum patients have a hydrogenoid constitution. It is best suited to sycotic dyscrasia, or people with a history of suppressed gonorrhoea, inherited sycotic constitution.

Ailments From: Suppressed gonorrhoea, damp weather, living in damp houses, abuse of quinine, rainy weather, fear, neglected malaria, ice cream, fruits, pastry, cold drinks, etc.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): Nerves, liver, pancreas, left lower chest, left side, intestines, respiration, meninges, mind, head, conjunctiva, genital organs, gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Physiological Action: Small doses are laxative and diuretic. It stimulates the activity of the liver and pancreas and markedly increases the secretions of the intestines.

Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)

  1. This agent in small doses is a laxative and diuretic.
  2. Deficiency of Natrium sulphuricum causes anaerobic oxidation of carbohydrates and fats; it results in increased levels of sugar and ketone bodies in circulation. Therefore, useful in diabetes, lipidaemia, increased levels of triglycerides, cholesterol, etc. in circulation.
  3. They cause atherosclerosis with pre-senility in young, growing persons. Compensatory hyper-functioning followed by hypertrophy, and degeneration of the cells occurs in the body.
  4. Natrium sulphuricum is a component of glycoproteins in cartilages, tendons, cornea, connective tissues, vitreous humour, etc. Natrium Sulphuricum deficiency results in loss of their elasticity and transparency, and they become functionless.
  5. Natrium sulphuricum draws out water from the blood, as transudate in air alveoli or air spaces. It is also known as a water eliminator produced from the breakdown of lactic acid to carbonic acid and water. According to Dr Schussler, withdrawal of water from leucocytes causes their destruction. Therefore, it useful in leukaemia and in hydrogenoid constitutions.
  6. Natrium sulphuricum is also important for preventing coagulation by deionisation of calcium.
  7. Natrium sulphuricum is present in bile as a taurocholate compound; in saliva as sulphocyante, in vitamins such as, thiamine, biotine, etc; it is also present in certain amino acids like, methionine cystine, cystinine; in hormones insulin, coenzyme and various enzymes. Hence, a deficiency of Natrium sulphuricum causes disturbed functioning of the above secretions and complexes.
  8. The chief action of Natrium sulphuricum on the intestines is purgative, which causes rumblings in the abdomen, and thin or watery evacuations with much flatulence.
  9. Natrium sulphuricum reduces toxicity of phenol formed in the large intestines by bacterial decomposition of amino acids such as phenylalanine, tyrosine, tryptophan, etc.
  10. The Sulphate part of Natrium sulphuricum is a keratolytic agent which prevents thickening of the mucosal lining and mucous secretions. Therefore, its deficiency causes the accumulation of mucoid and viscous secretions which obstruct the passages, especially respiratory, urinary and rectal.
  11. Acts upon the intestines, stimulating the activity of the intestinal glands, liver and pancreas. It also excites the secretion of intestines, liver and pancreas.
  12. According to Cowperwhite, it undoubtedly directly acts upon blood, through which it produces an irritating and disturbing influence upon nearly every tissue of the body.
  13. It especially acts upon the mucous and fibrous tissues which are involved respectively in catarrhal and rheumatic inflammations.
  14. It acts upon the tongue. Dirty greenish-gray or greenish-brown coating at the root of the tongue and aggravation from lying on the left side.
  15. It is largely used for its action on the liver.
  16. It acts as a haemostatic in accidents – spontaneous or traumatic in origin.
  17. Acts on worms as it expels tapeworm.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Suicidal tendency, must exercise restraint.
  2. Great anxiety with loathing of life.
  3. Irritability followed by sleepless nights. Irritability due to biliousness, delirium, music, especially melancholic strains.
  4. Patient is very sad, gloomy, depressed and ill-humoured.
  5. Lachrymose after hearing music.
  6. Dislikes speaking or to be spoken to. Inability to think.
  7. Melancholy with periodical attacks of mania.
  8. Disturbed sleep due to dreams of fighting.
  9. Sensation as if the forehead would burst, as if something were forcing its way out of the ears.
  10. Satiety of life, must use all possible self control to prevent shooting himself, or female during gestation attempts to hang herself.
  11. Mental troubles arising from a fall or other injuries to the head.
  12. Cheerfulness, happy mood after stool.
  13. Vertigo after dinner.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

Discharges: Thick, mucoid, frothy; initially white, later on greenish or greenish-yellow.

Tongue: Soft, swollen, flabby, moist, full of dry frothy saliva; dirty gray coating at the base.

Taste: Bitter.

Empty feeling: All gone, empty feeling in chest; must hold chest with both hands when coughing for support to relieve the weakness.

Stool: Thin, yellow, fluid, gushing stools in the morning after rising and moving about.

Asthma: Humid asthma, especially in children. Rattling of mucous. Asthma developing from general bronchial catarrh.

Gonorrhoea: Greenish-yellow or yellowish-green discharge; thick and with little pain.

Pneumonia: Lower lobe of left lung is especially affected. Cough with soreness in the chest, has to sit up and hold chest.

Periodicity: Skin affections reappear generally every spring.

Diarrhoea: Sudden urging, gushing; much flatus on first rising and standing on feet.

Meningitis: Violent, crushing, gnawing pains at the base of the brain, head drawn back, spasms with mental irritability and delirium; opisthotonus.

Dyspnoea: Desire to take a deep breath during damp, cloudy weather.

Toothache: Toothache ameliorated by cold water, cool air. Brown or dirty greenish coating on tongue.

Bleeding: Nosebleed during menses.

Sensitivity: Patient feels every change from dry to wet; cannot tolerate sea air; recovers slowly from every sickness.

Enlarged prostate: Enlarged prostate; pus and mucous in urine, sycosis.

Oedema: Oedematous swelling of feet. Cracking in joints. Oedema of scrotum and prepuce.

Warts: Tendency to formation of warts on arms, hands, around eyes, scalp, chest, face and arms.

Digestion: Want of appetite and repugnance to food. Slow digestion, aversion to bread and meat.

Itching: Itching while undressing.

Pain: Pain in small of back with scanty urine.

Flatulence: Copious formation of gas in abdomen. Great flatulence with much rolling and rumbling.

Leucorrhoea: Leucorrhoea yellowish-green, following gonorrhoea.

Thirst: Great burning thirst, especially in the evening for cold water and cold drinks.

Vomiting: Greenish discharges with vomiting of bile. Complaints worse on the right side.

Malarial fever: In malarial fever, chill from 6 to 9 pm; dry heat until 1 am, sweat absent with vomiting of bile. Suppressed malaria.

Influenza: Epidemic influenza with fluent coryza and sneezing.

Important Characteristic Features

Diarrhoea: It is a very useful medicine for diarrhoea. It is indicated in chronic diarrhoea with tuberculosis of the intestines in a sycotic constitution. Diarrhoea due to working in damp basements and during wet weather. Stools are watery, greenish-yellowish, copious and profuse; morning diarrhoea as soon as the patient gets up from the bed. Patient is happy and cheerful after a loose stool. Much flatus, involuntary stool while passing flatus. Great flatulence with cutting pains in the abdomen and congestion of the liver; cannot bear tight clothing around the waist. Soreness of the liver to touch, to jar, with sharp stitching pains in it; cannot digest starchy food.

Asthma: A very good remedy for asthma. Humid asthma; rattling of mucous. Asthma developing from general bronchial catarrh. Sensation of goneness in the chest. Hoarseness, asthma, worse every change to damp weather. Cough with thick, ropy, greenish, pus-like expectoration. Soreness of the chest, which is better by pressure, hence, patient holds chest while coughing. Piercing pains, especially in left chest. Dyspnoea during damp weather from catarrh. Cough worse early in the morning; attacks generally come on about 4 to 5 o’clock in the morning. Symptoms of looseness of bowels after each attack has been repeatedly verified. Dirty, greenish-gray or brown coating on the tongue. Toothache with sensation as if the teeth were elongated.

General Modalities

Aggravation: From wet weather, in warm weather, spring, rest, in the morning, lying on the right side, after meals, music, damp basements.

Amelioration: Passing flatus, sitting up, in open air, from pressure, changing position, dry weather.

Remedy Relationships

Complementary: Ars, Thuj.

Follows well: Thuj, Ars, Ferr-p, Nat-m.

Antidotes: Bell, Thuj.


Hydrogenoid constitution: Aran, Chinin-s, Nat-s.

Cough with expectoration of green mucous: Benz-ac, Nat-s.

Potency: 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000.

Dosage: Single dosage, occasionally on constitutional indications. It is effective from lowest to highest potencies.

Repetition: Bears frequent repetition on biochemic indications but give occasional doses on constitutional indications.

Therapeutic Value: Abdominal disorders, Asthma, Biliousness, Bleeding piles, Condyloma, Cough, Debility, Delirium, Diabetes, Diarrhoea, Dropsy, Epilepsy, Fever, Flatulence, Gonorrhoea, Headache, Leucorrhoea, Liver affections, Meningitis, Oedema of feet, Pneumonia, Polyuria, Psoriasis of palms, Warts.

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