Homeopathic Medicine For Gastric Problem


Gastric problem arises due to stomach and intestinal irritation, stimulating foods, steroids free chronic drugs, alcohol and stress etc.

Allopathy : Ranitidine or drugs made of mixing this medicine like ocid, Omeprazole etc.

The effects of Allopathy : Dryness in the mouth and constipation.

Remedy of gastric in homeopathy : argentum nitricum 30 and Arsenicum album 30 And Bismuth 6, 30

Long duration Chronic Gastritis : This disease is mostly found in people who consume Spicy foods, pepper and pickles, alcohol and cigarettes. Some symptoms are also associated with long duration chronic Gastritis is anorexia and flatus.

Allopathy: Cisapride, Zantac, Omeprazole (Ocid).

The effects of Allopathy : Cisapride and Zantac generate dryness and constipation. A common side effect of these drugs is increasing piles. Omeprazole generates anacidity. Cisapride can be hazardous to the heart. (Arrhythmia or erithmiya)

Get rid of the gas problem in homeopathy:

Nux Vomica 80 (If diarrhea)

Nux Vomica 200 (If constipation)

Hydrastis 80 – morning and evening

Chionanthus Q – 5 drops after the food

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