Homeopathic Treatment Of Cough


Cough is the symptoms of other diseases. Living in cold places,  Smokey and damp atmosphere. Eating unhealthy and fried food. Absence of sun light and infra-red rays causes cough and lessens immunity of the body. Generally for cough and whooping cough homeopathic medicines mentioned below are introduced.

  1. Aconitum Napellus 30,200 :- With start of cough caused by cold, dry air, and suppressing exhalation of the body it is introduced. First remedy of acute cases introduced less than four hours of attack. There is emotional and mental tension shown in fright or fear and its consequences. Generally at the time of first attack of cold and fear, patient are not so cautious to introduce it and thus time period lapses and then ferrum Phos 3x,6x,is applicable as next remedy. After laps of more hours other medicines like Bryonia, Rhus-tox, etc may be selected as per symptoms present there.
  2. Ipecaucuanha – 30 :- Frequent arise of cough specially at night. During the attack the child gets stiff and faces blue. Rattling noise in the bronchial tube when drawing breath. Whooping cough with bleeding from nose and mouth and vomiting of food. Fits and suffocation, stiffness of the body and face blue.
  3. Bryonia – 30 :- Hoarseness, with tendency to perspiration, Acute bronchitis. Continued inclination to draw a long breath quick, difficult and compelling him to sit up. Dry cough after tingling in larynx aggravated by speaking or smoking tobacco. Red face aggravated by motion. Starts after meal. If it arises generally at the time of sleep then pulsetilla -30 also be introduced alternately.
  4. Drosera- 30:- Sensation, as if body is soft and a feather in the larynx. Face becomes red at the time of coughing. When cough is very dry and proceeding from the depth of the chest immediately after lying down. In Whooping cough introduce one dose only don’t repeat and wait for eight days. Repetition of medicine becomes inactive.
  5. Cammomilla – 12:- Dry cough, produced by constant titillation in the larynx with hoarseness. Burning pain in larynx and constriction in the gullet. Chiefly in evening, at night in bed. Anger provokes the cough. Expectoration of mucus of a bitter or putrid test.
  6. Ignetia-30 :- Day and night dry cough with catarrh, coryza and headache. Voice feeble, inability to speak loud. Constriction at the fossa of the neck. Whooping cough, dry cough. Hiccough < by eating or smoking or emotional disturbance. Empty retching > by eating. Mind in deep distress. Desire of sower food.
  7. Causticum- 6,30:- Dry cough due to attack of cold, dry cough due to speak loudly. Aphonia from weakness of muscles of larynx. Matutinal and nocturnal cough.
  8. Arsenic – 30:- Bronchitis with difficult secretion of mucus. Sensation of dryness and burning in the larynx. Arrest of breathing with cough. Respiration oppressed, anxious, short. Difficult expectoration, scanty and frothy. Rise of cough and vomiting after drinking water or any other liquid food. Smell of cooking increases the cough and a sense of fear, anxiety, and restlessness.
  9. Antim Tart – 6 :- A child coughs when angry compelling to sit down. Cough with vomiting of food after meal greater when getting warm in bed. Catarrhal and copious expectoration with rattling of mucus in chest chiefly after midnight.
  10. Senega – Q :- Nash says that firstly dry cough and then turns into copious cough, retelling in chest. Roughness in throat and hoarseness when reading loud. Expectoration transparent like three white of egg. Hacking cough with danger of suffocation then it does very well.
  11. Tuberculinum – 200 :- Glands in neck Cough and expectoration lasting four months. Irritating cough. Sputa yellow or white. Tubercular history in family. If there is no cure after selected medicines it should be introduced few doses and notice for result for at least eight days.

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