Homeopathy Treatment For Diabetes Patient


There are two types of Diabetes. (1) Diabetes without sugar (Diabetes Insipidus) (2) Diabetes with sugar (Diabetes Mellitus).

Actual cause is unknown of this disease. Childhood or in old edge.Wrong food habit, sever cold and hot, Excess drinking of water,drinking water just after urination, drinking water in standing position, Masturbation in childhood. Some times due to injury on nerve cell, brain and spine or carried by parenthood. Generally either starts in  near about 40 to 50 years of edge or in childhood. Fatty generation and loose muscled, persons who eat more, prolonged constipation and Acidity, more eating habit, Lazy persons,less physical exercise, excess thinking, worried nature, hurried and hast working mobility are some important causes for this.

Symptom:- Frequent urination in excess quantity, mouth feeling dry and severe thirst, ravenous hunger,Tired
feeling, Sever etching, Loss of sensation in both legs, Numb filling on tips of figure, Wants to lie down, Sleepy,
Excess sweating, Weight loss, Pain in waist and both ankles, electric sock feeling.

Medicines :-

(1) Acetic Acid (Vinegar)-30,200 :- Anemia, Burning in throat, Dull, Irritable, Low spirited, abdomen feels distended, Excess flatulence.

(2) Equisetam- 6,30 :- Frequent feeling to urinate,Unable to retain urine, Pain in bladder due to accumulation of excess urine in bladder. It acts specially on urinary bladder. When urine discharge involuntarily without any filling in old and child used specially.

(3) Insulin -30 :- It controls the creation of sugar acting upon Liver.When sugar contain in blood is more than 200
it discharges from urine. Insulin 30 is more useful than other dilution as per our experience.

(4) Pancreatin – 3x :-  Acts on faulty action of pancreas.acts on salivary glands, Gout and Sarcodes.

(5) Syzygium Zambolinum – Q,1x, 2x:- Best to control sugar in blood.weakness, debility, weight loss. Frequent
urination 2 hourly in abundant quantity.15 drops in Q potency in water is used three times a day regularly three months. We use 2x potency 3 drops on tong daily three times gives better result.

(6) Kali Brom – Q, 3x :- Epileptic, Skin eruption, acts on generative sphere, nymphomania and finally impotence,excess abuse in men and fits during menstruation in women.Three drops on tong one months regularly three times in 3x potency cures diabetes permanently.

(7) Karlsbad Salz – 6 :- Fountain water rich in many minerals used in Weakness,constipation,Liver,Obesity and mainly when urination fills just after drinking water.

(8) Sefalendra Ind – Q, 3x :- Burning in leg, eye and mouth due to excess secretion of bile juice.Use Q potency 3 or 4  times daily with water.Specially used in diabetes.

(9) Arsenic Bromid – Q :- Used in both type of Diabetes (Insipidus and Mellitus) 4 drops daily 4 times a day. Rosacea, Papules and Skin decease also used in sleeplessness.

(10) Kali Phos – 3x :- Cures all faulty actions of nerves, No need of Insulin.use 4 tabs daily four times a day.

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