Ask Your Problem And Homeopathy Part1 [ समस्या और होम्योपैथिक जवाब ]


प्रशन : – मैं 26 वर्षीय युवक हूं। मुझे पुरानी पेचिश ( chronic dysentery ) की प्रॉब्लम है। कृपया कर अच्छी होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन बताएं ?

उत्तर : – Chronic dysentery के लिए मर्क कौर 30 दिन में 3 बार 2 बून्द लें। ये पुरानी पेचिश की बहुत अच्छी मेडिसिन है, इसके साथ Bio Combination No.9 की 4 गोली दिन में 3 बार लें। दोनों दवा से अच्छे रिजल्ट प्राप्त होंगे।

प्रशन : – मेरा नाम पवन है उम्र 28 वर्ष। मुझे Alopecia areata की प्रॉब्लम है, कृप्या कर उपाय बताएं ?

उत्तर : – Thuja 200 की 2 बून्द सुबह के समय लें। इसके साथ reckeweg r89 की 10 बून्द दिन में 3 बार खाना खाने के एक घंटे बाद लें। Alopecia areata के लिए दोनों उत्तम औषधि है।

प्रशन : – सर मुझे Cormier dystrophy की कोई अच्छी होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन बताएं।

उत्तर : – कैल्केरिया फ्लोर 6x, 4 गोली दिन में 3 बार लें।

प्रशन : – हार्ट ( Heart ) को सही और मजबूत करने के लिए कोई अच्छी होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन बताएं ?

उत्तर : – Dr.Reckeweg R3 Heart Drops की 10 बून्द दिन में 3 बार आधे कप पानी से लें, काफी इफेक्टिव मेडिसिन है।

प्रशन : – गंजापन खत्म करने की कोई अच्छी मेडिसिन बताएं।

उत्तर : – Reckeweg r89 की 10 बून्द दिन में 3 बार खाना खाने के एक घंटे बाद आधे कप पानी के साथ लें, साथ में jaborandi mother tincture को रात में सोने से पहले सिर पे लगाएं। ये चिपकने वाली दवा नहीं, आप आराम से हल्का-हल्का बालों की जड़ पे लगा सकते हैं। बहुत ही उपयोगी मेडिसिन है।

प्रशन : – सर मेरी स्किन बहुत Oily है, इसके लिए कोई होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन हो तो बताएं ?

उत्तर : – Adven Face Wash से 2 से 3 बार चेहरे को धोएं। इसके साथ नेट्रम मयूर 30 पोटेंसी में खरीद लें और 2 बून्द दिन में 3 बार लें।

प्रशन : – सर मुझे White hair की प्रॉब्लम है। समय से पहले मेरे काफी सारे बाल सफेद हो गए हैं कोई अच्छी दवा बताएं।

उत्तर : – सफ़ेद बाल के लिए Acid Phos 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। Acid Phos mother tincture की 10 बून्द आधे कप पानी में दिन में 3 बार लें। Thuja 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। एक महीने तक तीनो दवा का सेवन करें। अच्छे रिजल्ट मिलेंगे।

प्रशन : – सर, मेरे ऊँगली में जख्म के साथ खुजली है, कौन सी होम्योपैथिक दवा लूँ ?

उत्तर : – Calendula mother tincture को जख्म पे लगाएं और साथ में हिपर सल्फर 30 की दो बून्द दिन में 3 बार लें। आपके खुजली और जख्म अच्छी हो जाएगी।

प्रशन : – सर, मुझे Lipoma की प्रॉब्लम है कोई अच्छी मेडिसिन बताएं ?

उत्तर : – Calcarea fluor 6x की 4 गोली दिन में 3 बार। Phytolacca Berry Mother Tincture की 20 बून्द आधे कप पानी में दिन में 3 बार साथ में Thuja 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। ये तीनो मेडिसिन लें आपको लाभ मिलेगा।

प्रशन : – सर Metabolism को बढ़ाने की कोई अच्छी होम्योपैथिक दवा बताएं।

उत्तर : – Cal Mag Drops की 10-20 बून्द आधे कप पानी में डालकर खाना खाने के एक घंटा बाद दिन में 3 बार लें। ये Metabolism को बढ़ाएगी और Bone एंड Body Strength को भी increase करेगी।

प्रशन : – सर, मस्सा के लिए कोई अच्छी दवा बताएं ?

उत्तर : – Thuja 200 और Causticum 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। काफी लाभ मिलेगा।

प्रशन : – Gynecomastia की कोई अच्छी मेडिसिन बताएं ?

उत्तर : – Dr Reckeweg की R19 दवा बहुत लाभदायक है। साथ में काली आयोड 30 और conium maculatum 30 की दो बून्द दिन में 3 बार लें। Gynecomastia में ये तीनो मेडिसिन बहुत लाभदायक है।

प्रशन : – Typhoid की अच्छी होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन बताएं।

उत्तर : – Baptisia 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। Typhoid की यह उत्तम दवा है।

प्रशन : – नाइट फॉल की कोई अच्छी होम्योपैथिक दवा बताएं ?

उत्तर : – लाइकोपोडिम mother tincture की 10 बून्द आधे कप पानी में दिन में दो बार लें। जरूर लाभ होगा।

प्रशन : – कमर में दर्द की कोई अच्छी मेडिसिन बताएं, काफी परेशान हूँ।

उत्तर : – Hypericum 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें, Bhargava Spondin Drops की 20 बून्द आधे कप पानी में दिन में 3 बार लें, Medorrhinum 1M की दो बून्द सुबह-सुबह दिन में एक बार लें। एक महीने इन तीनो दवा को इस्तेमाल करें लाभ मिलेगा।

प्रशन : – सर, मेरे फेस पे इन्फेक्शन हो गया है कृपया कर उपाय बताएं।

उत्तर : – Calendula mother tincture और Berberis aquifolium mother tincture को मिलाकर फेस पर दिन बार लगाएं इन्फेक्शन 3 से 4 दिन में अच्छी हो जाएगी।

प्रशन : – सर, मुझे कफ की प्रॉब्लम है। गला कफ से भरा रहता है, कफ निकलने पर वो काले रंग का होता है। दवा बातें ?

उत्तर : – नैट्रम सल्फ 30 और इपिकाक 30 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। Bio combination no 6 की 5 गोली दिन में तीन बार लें। कुछ दिन प्रयोग करें ठीक हो जायेगा।


Ask A Doctor

किसी भी रोग को ठीक करने के लिए आप हमारे सुयोग्य होम्योपैथिक डॉक्टर की सलाह ले सकते हैं। डॉक्टर का consultancy fee 200 रूपए है। Fee के भुगतान करने के बाद आपसे रोग और उसके लक्षण के बारे में पुछा जायेगा और उसके आधार पर आपको दवा का नाम और दवा लेने की विधि बताई जाएगी। पेमेंट आप Paytm या डेबिट कार्ड से कर सकते हैं। इसके लिए आप इस व्हाट्सएप्प नंबर पे सम्पर्क करें - +919006242658 सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के लिए लिंक पे क्लिक करें।

  1. प्रहलाद दास पारीक says

    गुर्दा रोगी के क्रिटेनिन कम करने का उपचार बताये।
    उच्च रक्तचाप व प्रमेह भी साथ मे है ।

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. May God bless you.

  2. Sanjay says

    Sir my age is 47 , mujhe so kar uthane ke bad chhink bahut aati hai lagbhag 2 years se ye problem hai, koi behtreen dawa batataye please jisase jaldi aaram mil sake.

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Arsenic 30 . May God bless you.

  3. विजय कुमार says

    मेरे मित्र जिनकी उम्र 24 वर्ष है उनको संग्रहणी(IBS) है उनको खाना खाने के तुरंत बाद लैटरीन जाना पड़ता है और पूरे दिन में 6-7बार ।मल के साथ आँव आता है व साथ मे पेट मे दर्द रहता है हल्का सा।

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Sulpher 200 in morning and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  4. Nutan Singh says

    Sir mughe psoriasis hai uska koi Ilan bataiye

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Sulpher 200 in morning daily . May God bless you.

  5. putul rajput says

    Prostate 35g ka hai… urin me problem hota hai… ruk..ruk kar urin aata hai. Uchit salah de.

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Thuja 30 in morning and Antim Crud 30 daily . May God bless you.

  6. Dhiraj Kumar says

    सर नमस्कार मेेरे बच्चे का उम्र 14 महीना हो रहा है वो अभी तक बैठता तक नही है , उसका एक आंख भी तिरछा लगता है गोद मे रखने पर गर्दन लूज़ हो जाता है ,ऐसा लगता है कि उसके शरीर मे जान ही नही है जबकि बच्चा हेल्थी है, नस रोग के डॉक्टर से दिखाया हु तो ct scan कराया था उसके आधार पर डॉक्टर बोले कि इसके दिमाग का विकास सही से नही हो रहा है जिसके चलते ये सारा समस्या है
    अब आप ही सर कुछ उचित समाधान दे

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Calcaria Carb 200 in morning at 7 days interval and Beraita Carb 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  7. क्रीष्णा राठोड says

    सर मुझे ज्वाईंट पेईन की तकलीफ है, 1 साल से, क्रुरता ऊपचार बताये

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Antim Crud 30 in morning daily . May God bless you.

  8. Atul Saraswat says

    सर मुझे साइनस के सालो से है कई दावा ली पेर कोई फायदा नही कृपया उपाय बताए

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Arsenic 30 in morning daily . May God bless you.

  9. Anni devi says

    Left breast main gland hi Woh idhar udhar move karti hai pain nahi hota hai Badi Ho Gayi Hai please medicine Bata dijiye

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Merc sol 200 in morning daily . May God bless you.

  10. Anas says

    Sir mere left testies me swolling h..pls suggest m best medicine.

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Sulpher 30 in morning and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  11. raghib says

    Sir mera pait thik nhi rehta kabhi qabz aur kbhi stool loose aati hai aur pait phula huya rehta hai aur pait mai bharipan Bhi hai ,aur kamar kai nichlai hissai sai uper tak Ethan rehti hai Jo chest tak dikkat krti hai ,aur gla ghira huya aur bhukhar ki hrarat Bhi hai plz koi medicine bta diyai.

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Merc Sol 200 at 7 days interval, Antim Crud 30 in morning and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  12. Rihan khan says

    Sir mujhe impotence ki problem h mene
    1m ki dose 2 mahine me 2 bar li thi mjhe aram mila tha but phir se prblm ho rhi h suggestion btaye my age 26

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Lycopodium 200 at 7 days interval, Antim Crud 30 in morning and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  13. Pardeep says

    Sir muje Jock itch h wha par red round h mean chakar h 2 saal se koe dwa btaye

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna . May God bless you.

  14. Akash Tikku says

    Meri wife ko right hand mai trigger thumb h…sath hi usi anguthe k nichle jood k paas gaanth bani hai, please iska homeopathy mai illaj bataay. Thanks

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. May God bless you.

  15. Akash Tikku says

    My wife suffering from trigger thumb on her right thumb, also near/ below the lower joint
    Of the same thumb there is a formation of nodule .pls advice homeopathic remedy for that. Thanks

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. May God bless you.

  16. Yogesh kampalliwar says

    Sir me rather heart bahot jor i se dhadkta hain or muze apnea kaan mein bhi aavaj aathi hain thodi mehanat see hi or khana khane ke baad toilet se aane ke bad or pasina bahot aata hai thodi sI mehnat karna ke baad
    Koi homopetick medicine bataye

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Digitalis 30 daily . May God bless you.

  17. Rehan says

    Sir muje tonisl ki problem hai m konsi dawa lu

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Arsenic 30 , Antim Crud 30 in morning and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  18. Mangesh Jariyal says

    Sir g namaskar .meri aayu 35 varsh hai or mujhe pichle do salon se tonsils ki problem hai .Janna se k hana niglte hai bah jhagah Lal rahti hai.please koi medicine batayain

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Lycopodium 30 at 7 days interval, ABeladona 30 in morning and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  19. Rakesh sahu says

    Sir my daughter is 6yr old,suffering from both tonsil swelling,i gave baryta carb 30but not respond,which medicine take?

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Merc Sol 200 at 7 days interval, Antim Crud 30 in morning and Pulsetila 30 at evening daily . May God bless you.

  20. नील says

    स्वर यंत्र में सूजन हैं राइट साइड में। कोई मेडिसिन बताइये?

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Merc Sol 200 at 7 days interval, Thyorodinum 30 in morning daily . May God bless you.

  21. akshyamitravats says

    सर,1,मुझे सेक्स में ध्वज भंग की शिकायत है,पेनिस सेक्स बातो में भी स्टैंड नही होता,50आयु।बिल्कुल ठीक हो जाय,मेडिसिन बताय।डायबिटिक।
    2सर,मेर जांघ में,बटक पर दाद या एक्जिमा है असंख्य दवा करने पर ढीक नही होता ,मेडिसिन बताय।

  22. Punit kumar says

    How can I ask my question

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      You have already asked the question adopt the same process. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. May God bless you.

  23. ganesh solunke says

    सर, मुझे आखो के चारॊऔर फुंगल इन्फेकशन हुआ हैं और डार्क सरकलं हुए हैं. कृपया उपाय बताय .

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Sulpher 200 at 7 days interval, Antim Crud 30 in morning and Carbo veg 30 daily . May God bless you.

  24. Kaml says

    sir meri age 24 years hai or 30 ka dikhta hu koi upay Bataiye mne health banana ke liye liv52 dexona or parctin use kiya tha lekin use kiya tha

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      You use China 30 and Alfalfa tonic.

  25. Aron suw says

    Premature ejaculation.
    Please tell me the medicine by which it can be cure.

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Lycopodium 200 at 7 days interval, Acid Phos 30 in morning and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  26. चन्दन कुमार says

    नमस्कार सर…
    सर मेरा समस्या यह है कि मेरा गाल पिचके व आंख अन्दर की ओर धस
    गए है. चेहरा निस्तेज हो गया है …वृद्ध सी स्थिति हो गयी है. दोस्त हमेशा मजा लेते है चुस्सा हुआ आम कह कर..चार साल से दवा कर के थक गया हूं..जब तक दवि लेता हूं तब तक थिक रहता है व दवा छोड़ते फिर वैसे ही.. तनाव मे आकर हस्तमैथून जैसे गलत लत भी कुछ सालो से लग गया है।। देर तक सिधे खड़ा भी बिने सहारे के नही रह सकता..और यदी आंख बन्द कर लू खड़े होकर तो लगता है जैसे सब कुछ हिल रहा है और गिर जाता हूँ..।स्थीर बैठने पर यदी पैर को सहारा न दूं तो वह जितने बार पल्स चलेगा उतने बार हिलेगा… हांथ मे भी थोड़ी सी कम्पन रहता है…लोगो से मिलने मे हिचकिचाहट .व पशिना आने लगता है… खुन भी लगता है जैसे सुख रहा है लगता ही नही की शरीर मे कुछ है….. Please sir राह दिखाइये…. मेर उम्र 24साल है…।

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Lycopodium 200 at 7 days interval, Antim Crud 30 in morning and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  27. Rakesh says

    Sir mera age 30year jab mai sax ke bare me sochata hu to mera long me chichipa pani a ja jata pls saphal upachar bataye.

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Acid Phos 30 daily at morning, Antim Crud 30 in evening and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  28. Prem prakash says

    Sir mere face ke dono cheek pe chhoye choote pimples nikalte hai . Yah pareshni mujhe pichle 12 years se hai ,meri age 26 year hai. Mujhe meetha pasand hai ,Meri face tailiy hai ,muhase Ko dabane se ugla ugla chipchipa cream sa kisi se kil sa nikalta hai. Muhase Ko dabbakar nikalne se middle ke nok se bade bade Gadde ho Gaye hai Jo aspast dikhai dete hai. Isle liye Mai Berberis aquafolium Q Laga Raha hu . 2) mere forhead pe ringworm ho Gaye the Jo thik ho Gaye the Lekin skin kuch Kala sa dikhta hai . Please dono ke bare me medicines bataye jisse mera face pahle jaisa ho jaye.

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Lycopodium 200 at 7 days interval, Antim Crud 30 in morning and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  29. Ali Husain says

    Mujhe kidney me stone h 12.5mm ki, e kaise niklega dwa bataie.

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Aap rogi ka umra rang tatha rogi ka hight likhen taki sahi dawa ka selection kiya ja sake. Rogi ka rahan sahan swabhaw adi bishesh roop se likhen. Tatkal fayada ke liye aap Lycopodium 200 subah ek bund len tatha Berberish 30 subah tatha dopahar ek-ek bund len. Pura laxan likhane ke bad punah dawa ka selection kar batlaya ja sakega.

  30. vishnu k gupta says

    Cal Mag Drops की 10-20 बून्द आधे कप पानी में डालकर खाना खाने के एक घंटा बाद दिन में 3 बार लें। ये Metabolism को बढ़ाएगी और Bone एंड Body Strength को भी increase करेगी।

    यह मेडीसन कहा मिलेगी

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Sabhi homeopathic dawa dukan par sampark karen.

  31. Pawan says

    Mein 31 saal ka hu mera heart mein sui chubna jaisa dard hota ha kabhi chati par hota hai hand bhari lagta hai kabhi or left kamar mein bhi hota hai . Or bar bar dakara ati hai bahut dakar ati hai. Chest mein pain hota hai kabhi .. or mein thanda pani sa nahata tha barish mein bhi bhiga bar bar ecg karaya tha but dr says heart theek hai pls suggest

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      You may apply Acid Nitric 200 at interval of 7 days and Briyonia 30 daily in morning.May God bless you.

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