Ask Your Problem And Homeopathy Part3 [ रोग और होम्योपैथिक जवाब ]


प्रशन : – सर मूछों के बाल झड़ रहे हैं कोई उचित होम्योपैथिक दवा का सलाह दें ?

उत्तर : – Selenium 3x की दो गोली दिन में तीन बार लें। साथ में Thuja 200 और Acid phos 200 की दो-दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। झड़ना बंद हो जायेगा और झड़े मूछ वापिस आ जायेंगे।

प्रशन : – बोलने का काम ज्यादा होने की वजह से आज कल गला बैठा रहता है, कृपया कर उपाय बताएं ?

उत्तर : – Argentum nitricum 30 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। काफी अच्छी मेडिसिन है इसके लिए।

प्रशन : – सर पार्किंसन रोग के लिए कोई अच्छी दवा का सलाह दें ?

उत्तर : – Cuprum metallicum 200 और zincum metallicum 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। इसके साथ reckeweg r36 की 10 बून्द आधे कप पानी में दिन में तीन बार लें। जरूर लाभ होगा।

प्रशन : – Gallbladder Stone की Problem है कोई अच्छी दवा का सुझाव दें।

उत्तर : – Chelidonium mother tincture की 20 बून्द आधे कप पानी में दिन में 3 बार लें। Berberis vulgaris mother tincture की 20 बून्द आधे कप पानी में दिन में 3 बार लें।

प्रशन : – Weight Gain के लिए कोई अच्छी होम्योपैथिक दवा बताएं ?

उत्तर : – Alfalfa Tonic का सेवन करें इससे भूख अच्छी लगेगी और पाचन क्रिया बहुत अच्छी हो जाएगी और आपका वजन बढ़ने लगेगा।

प्रशन : – याददास्त कमजोर हो गई है, कोई होम्योपैथिक दवा बताएं।

उत्तर : – एनाकार्डियम 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। किसी बात का स्मरण न रहना में उपयोगी है।

प्रशन : – चेहरे पे काले तिल हैं, उनके के लिए कुछ बताने की कृपा करें ?

उत्तर : – Oleum centilum mother tincture को चेहरे पे दिन में तीन बार लगाएं। साथ में Thuja 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। तिल अगर ज्यादा काले हैं तो Thuja 200 के साथ CHINA 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। अगर काले ज्यादा नहीं हैं तो Thuja 200 के साथ causticum 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें।

प्रशन : – शीघ्रपतन की समस्या है कोई अच्छी मेडिसिन बताएं।

उत्तर : – Damiagra Drops की 20 बून्द आधे कप पानी में दिन में तीन बार लें। इसके रिजल्ट काफी अच्छे हैं परन्तु कम से कम 3 महीने तक इस्तेमाल करें।

प्रशन : – writer’s cramps है, जिससे हाथ अच्छे से घुमा नहीं पता हूँ, कोई मेडिसिन बताएं।

उत्तर : – इसके लिए Stannum Metallicum 30 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। साथ में cuprum ars 30 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। ठीक हो जायेगा।

प्रशन : – सर मेरी age 20 साल है और चेहरे पे Acne से परेशान हूँ। कोई होम्योपैथिक मेडिसिन बताएं।

उत्तर : – इसके लिए Pyrogenium 200 की दो बून्द सुबह एक बार लें। Kali brom 30 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। berberis aquifolium mother tincture की 20 बून्द आधे कप पानी के साथ दिन में तीन बार पियें और गुलाब जल के साथ मिलाकर चेहरे पर भी लगाएं। नियमित रूप से करेंगे तो Acne की समस्या ठीक हो जाएगी।

प्रशन : – सर में बहुत dandruff है, जिसके कारण बाल झड़ते हैं कोई उपाय बताएं ?

उत्तर : – Haslab HC-1 Acid Phos Complex Tablet की 4 गोली दिन में तीन बार लें। काफी फायदा होगा।

प्रशन : – सर मेरे 6 साल के बच्चे को गर्दन के पास गाँठ है और पलक के पास भी गाँठ है, कोई मेडिसिन बताएं।

उत्तर : – Calcarea fluor 6x की दो गोली दिन में तीन बार और Thuja 30 की दो बून्द दिन में एक बार तीन महीने तक लें। ठीक हो जायेगा।

प्रशन : – Back pain की अच्छी दवा बताएं, झुकने में परेशानी होती है।

उत्तर : – Arnica 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। Rhus tox 30 और Ruta 30 की दो बून्द दिन में तीन बार लें। R S Bhargava Spondin Drops की 20 बून्द आधे कप पानी में डालकर दिन में तीन बार एक महीने तक लें। काफी अच्छे रिजल्ट मिलेंगे।

प्रशन : – Sciatica की अच्छी मेडिसिन बताएं ?

उत्तर : – Arnica 200 की दो बून्द दिन में दो बार लें। Medorrhinum 1M की दो बून्द दिन में एक बार लें। साथ में R S Bhargava Spondin Drops की 20 बून्द आधे कप पानी में डालकर दिन में तीन बार एक महीने तक लें। लाभ जरूर होगा।

प्रशन : – शुगर की अच्छी होम्योपैथिक दवा बताएं ?

उत्तर : – सेफालेण्ड्रा इण्डिका Q की 20 बून्द आधे कप पानी में दिन में तीन बार लें। सिजिजियम जम्बोलिनम Q की 20 बून्द आधे कप पानी में दिन में तीन बार लें। इन्सुलिन 30 की दो बून्द दिन में 3 बार लें।

Ask A Doctor

किसी भी रोग को ठीक करने के लिए आप हमारे सुयोग्य होम्योपैथिक डॉक्टर की सलाह ले सकते हैं। डॉक्टर का consultancy fee 200 रूपए है। Fee के भुगतान करने के बाद आपसे रोग और उसके लक्षण के बारे में पुछा जायेगा और उसके आधार पर आपको दवा का नाम और दवा लेने की विधि बताई जाएगी। पेमेंट आप Paytm या डेबिट कार्ड से कर सकते हैं। इसके लिए आप इस व्हाट्सएप्प नंबर पे सम्पर्क करें - +919006242658 सम्पूर्ण जानकारी के लिए लिंक पे क्लिक करें।

  1. sanjeev Zope says

    Suggest me best remedy for joint pains.

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Medorrhinum 200 at 15 days interval, Antim Crud 30 in morning and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily . May God bless you.

  2. K K Verma says

    मुझे तेज़ पैदल चलने पर कुछ ही देर में छाती में दर्द होने लगता है एवं स्वास फुल जाता है। उचित दवाई बताएं।

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Sulpher 200 at 7 days interval, Antim Crud 30 in morning andBryonia 30 at noon daily . May God bless you.

  3. Bikas kumar says

    सर् मेरे पिताजी को late onset ataxia की प्रॉब्लम है । कोई होमियो मेडिसिन बताये।

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna . May God bless you.

  4. Sivanath chutia says

    Pl. Let me informed about the. Best treatment for the problem of Penis shrink
    age, soft Penis, Pain and inflammation in the Penis.

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. May God bless you.

  5. Gaurishankar Gaur says

    Sir psoriasis h treatment de

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Sulpher 200 at 7 days interval. May God bless you.

  6. Sandee kumar says

    सर मेरे जांंघ , पेट, हाथ मे गिल्टी हैं।दवा बताऐै

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Calcaria Flour 30 daily. May God bless you.

  7. Yash raj says

    Sir mujhe hydrocele problem h right side ki goli moti ho gai h ye pichhle 2 salo se h dwai le raha hun thik n ho raha so pls koi medicine btaiye pls sir….

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Pulsetila 30 daily . May God bless you.

  8. Manish says

    Sir psoriasis psoriatic arthritis ankylosing spindolytis which medication I take

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. May God bless you.

  9. Bhupesh says

    Sir muscular dystrophy ke dava

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Merc Sol 200 daily . May God bless you.

  10. Arpna singh says

    Khujli ki dwa

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Sulpher 200 at interval of 7 days. May God bless you.

  11. अजय कुमार सिन्हा says

    उम्र लगभग 66 वर्ष
    घुटने में दर्द
    चलने में उतना नहीं पर सिढि चढने में दायें पैर पर भार नहीं दिया जा रहा है
    श्रीमान कृपया दवा बताये

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief Antim Crud 30 daily . May God bless you.

  12. Jaanvi says

    Sir mujhe slip disc h .jisse pairo ki adiyo tak dard hota h plz koi dawa batayein.nichle bhaag me slip disc h

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Lycopodium 200 at 7 days interval, Calcaria Phos 6x 4 tab thrice daily. May God bless you.

  13. sonu says

    Muje 1 year se lipoma ki problem h

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. May God bless you.

  14. Anil Grover says

    I am suger patient and facing constipation. Feel week and food intake bery less some time gas problems

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Sulpher 200 in morning daily and Sizyzium zam Q 10 drops thrice daily in water. May God bless you.

  15. Vikrant says

    Mujhe had week bukhar aata hai kya karu…

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Acconite 30 before attack. May God bless you.

  16. Kapil yadav says

    Sir arthritis and constipation he kuch achha dabai batay

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Antim Crud 30 in evening and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily. May God bless you.

  17. Rajesh srivastav says

    Sir pemphigus valgaris
    की कोई अछि दवा बताये

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. May God bless you.

  18. arif khan says

    Hello sir…meri poori body ke baal safed ho rhe hai..unhe kala karne ki koi dawa bataye sir please….

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Aap rogi ka umra rang tatha rogi ka hight likhen taki sahi dawa ka selection kiya ja sake. Umra ke sath bal swatah safed hone lagte hain. Tatkal fayada ke liye aap Acid phos 30 subah ek bund len tatha Arnica 200 subah 7 din ke antral par. Pura laxan likhane ke bad punah dawa ka selection kar batlaya ja sakega.

  19. Aleem says

    Please complete rectal prolapse ke medicines bataye.Mere age 40 years hai

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Antim Crud 30 in evening and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily. May God bless you.

  20. Sunil says

    Sir mere papa bahoot jyada saraab pite Hai koi achhi dava betaine ki kripa kare please

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Sulpher 200 in morning, and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily. May God bless you.

  21. [email protected] says

    Very very thanks sir i m very impress about ur page homeopathy medicene………..this is my very useful site so again thanks to u ………..ut sincere

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says


  22. शोभित says

    दाढ़ी के बाल झड़ रहे हैं। कृपया दवाई बताइये

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Silicea 200 in morning. May God bless you.

  23. Dharmendra verma says

    Baal jhad rahe hai plz koi upay bataye

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Arsenic 30 in morning, Antim Crud 30 in evening and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily and apply Arnica Q and Jaborandi Q on roots of hair . May God bless you.

  24. Dharmendra verma says

    Sir mere baal jad se nikal ke gir rahe plz koi upay batao sir

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      Don’t be dis hearten. Every thing is possible in this world if you try patiently. you write to us your problem as we want for facilitating in the direction of selection of medicine to be beneficial for you. For this either you try to write us in detail (ie details of your disease, your ht. your colour your age,effect of coldness and heat, hurydness, fear, anger,sensitivity etc. or try to meet the doctor at Patna. For immediate relief you may try Arsenic 30 in morning, Antim Crud 30 in evening and Nux Vomica 30 at bed time daily and apply Arnica Q and jaborandi Q on hair roots. May God bless you.

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