Aurum Metallicum 30 – Aurum Metallicum Materia Medica

  • Ailments from grief, fright, anger, disappointed love, contradiction, reserved displeasure, prolonged anxiety, unusual responsibility, loss of property
  • Melancholic, hopeless, profound depression, tendency to suicide, longing for death and constantly dwelling on suicide
  • Sees only the lower half of objects

Source: Mineral kingdom
Synonyms: Gold
Chemical Formula: Au
Prover: Dr. Samuel Hahnemann
Duration of Action: 50-60 days
Miasmatic Background: Syphilis
Diathesis: Scrofulous

Introduction and History: It is a great and frequently indicated remedy for secondary syphilis and bad effects of mercury. This use of gold as an antivenereal and antiscrofulous drug is very old but has been forgotten by the old school until rediscovered and placed on its scientific basis of homeopathy.

Preparation and Parts Used: Trituration, tincture of gold.

Constitution and Physiognomy: Patient is sanguine, ruddy with black hair and eyes, lively, restless and anxious about the future. Also suited to old people, with weak vision, corpulent and tired of life. Also for broken down constitutions and for the bad effects of mercury and syphilis.

Ailments From: Abuse of mercury, fright, anger, contradiction, mortification, vexation, dreads or reserved displeasure.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): Mind, nerves, bones, cardiovascular system, genitourinary organs and glands.

Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)

  1. Aurum develops in the organism by attacking the blood, glands and bone.
  2. Conditions bears strong resemblance to mercurial and syphilitic infections.
  3. It is used for deterioration of body fluids and alterations in the tissues. It is for this action that Aurum assumes great importance as a remedy.
  4. Like the victim of syphilis, mental states of great depression are producedĀ by it.


Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Patient is CONSTANTLY DWELLING ON SUICIDE. This is the keynote of Aurum metallicum.
  2. Patient uneasy and hurried; great desire for mental and physical activity,
  3. Cannot do things fast enough.
  4. Profound melancholy in which he feels hateful and quarrelsome.
  5. Desire to commit suicide. He feels life is a burden, especially after the abuse of mercury.
  6. With nearly all complaints, weak memory and lack of concentration.
  7. Has great fear of death.
  8. Oversensitive to noise, excitement and confusion.
  9. Patient is peevish and vehement at least contradiction.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

Headache: Especially in those with dark olive-brown complexion; who are sad, gloomy, taciturn, disposed to constipation; worse from least contradiction.

Hairfall: Falling of hair, especially in syphilis and mercurial affections.

Hemiopia: Patient can see only the lower half. Double vision.

Caries: There are caries of the nasal, palatine and mastoid bones.

Otorrhoea: Excessive foetid discharge from the ear; pain in the ear worse at night.

Prolapse: Prolapse and induration of the uterus from over reaching and straining, also from hypertrophy.

Foul breath: There is foul breath from the mouth, especially in girls at puberty.

Sensation: Sensation as if the heart stood still, as though it ceased to beat and suddenly gave one hard thump.

Palpitation: Violent palpitation; anxiety with congestion of blood to head and chest after exertion.

Pulse: Pulse is small, feeble, rapid and irregular.

Appetite and thirst: Both appetite and thirst are increased; qualmishness.

Bones: Destruction of bones like in secondary syphilis. Pain in bones of head, lumps under the scalp, exostosis worse at night.

Oversensitive: To smell, touch, hearing, etc.

Important Characteristic Features

Heart affections: Commonly indicated remedy for arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure with nocturnal paroxysm of pain under the sternum. Sensation as if the heart stopped beating for two or three seconds, followed immediately by a tumultuous rebound sinking at the epigastrium. There is violent palpitation, anxiety with congestion of blood to the head and chest after exertion. Pulse is slow, feeble and rapid. Hypertrophy and fatty degeneration of the heart. Visible beating of carotid and temporal arteries.Ā Worse at night and after mental exertion. Better by warm air and in the morning.

Bones: Especially suited to caries and secondary syphilitic destruction of bones. Pain in the bones of head; lumps under the scalp; exostosis with nocturnal pain in bones. Caries of nasal, palatine and mastoid bones, Soreness of affected bones, worse at night and better in open air.

General Modalities

Aggravation: In cold weather, when getting cold, in winter, from sunset to sunrise, at night, from mental exertion.

Amelioration: In open air, warm air, when growing warm, in the morning and in summers.

Remedy Relationships

Follows well: Acon, Bell, Calc, Chin, Lyc, Merc, Nit-ac, Puls, Rhus-t, Sep, Sulph and Syph.

Antidotes: Bell, Chin, Cocc, Coff, Cupr, Merc, Puls, Spig and Sol-n.

Aurum Metallicum Dosage: Third to thirtieth potencies are commonly used, but higher potencies are also effective when the mental, characteristic symptoms call for it.

Repetition: It may be repeated in organopathic diseases, but for constitutional diseases, a single dose of high potency is enough unless symptoms call for it.

Therapeutic Value: Albuminuria, Amaurosis, Angina pectoris, Anal fistula, Asthma, Bubo, Cancer, Caries, Condylomata. Dropsy, Eczema, Fistula, Gonorrhoea, Haemorrhage, Hair falling out, Heart affections of Indurations, Liver affections of Morvan’s disease, Ophthalmia, Ozaena, Periostitis, Phthisis, Pudenda oversensitiveness of Spinal sclerosis, Spleen enlarged, Sterility, Syphilis, Uterine tumours, Haemorrhage from uterus, Vagina – heat, burning and itching of, Voice hoarse, Warts.

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