Homeopathic Medicine for Heart Diseases


Homeopathic Medicine for Heart Diseases

Abies nig. (Thrice a day): Sharp cutting pain in the heart. Heart action is heavy and slow (bradycardia) or abnormally rapid (tachycardia).

Aceticum acidum (Thrice a day): Weak heart. Profuse urination and perspiration. Great debility and dyspnea. Give only one dose a day.

Aconitum nap. (Thrice a day): Heart affections with pain in the left shoulder. Tachycardia – abnormality of heart action and rapid beats. Stitching pain in the chest. Throbbing in the carotid arteries. Pulse full, tense; hard and bounding.

Adonidinum Q (Twice a day): Its action is like Digitalis and can be substituted by it. It is a cardiac tonic and empties engorged veins with fats. Valuable in cardiac dropsy with increased urinary secretion.

Agaricus mus. (Thrice a day): In heart diseases when pain is prominent and the patient won’t answer questions.

Ammonium caust. Q (Twice a day): This is a powerful cardiac stimulant and it removes blood clots. Maybe given by inhaling in cases of fainting.

Arnica mont. (Thrice a day): It is helpful in a tired heart which has become irregular in rate and volume, whether as a result of a blood clot or not.

Arsenicum iod. 3x (Thrice a day): Very specific in most of the heart diseases. Weakened heart specially with a chronic lung condition. Breathlessness on going upstairs.

Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): It is very valuable for a weak heart which is irritable on the slightest provocation.

Aurum ars. (Twice a day): Chronic aortitis – inflammation of the aorta possibly due to cardiac asthmatic attacks, cough, dyspnea or syphilis. Stenosis of aorta i.e., narrowing of aorta or its orifice due to scar formation.

Baryta mur. (Twice a day): Hardening and narrowing of cardiac orifice with pain.

Cactus Q (Twice a day) 10-20 drops in ½ cup of water: Inflammation of the lining of the heart (endocarditis). Mitral insufficiency. Rapid and violent heart action. Palpitation. Angina pectoris with acute pain in the chest and left arm.

Cactus Q, Crataegus oxy. Q (Four times a day): 10-15 drops mixed together and given in water every four hours, acts as a heart tonic and strengthens the heart.

Calcarea ars. (Twice a day): It is an excellent cardiac tonic especially in dilatation and valve mischief. It relieves pain, palpitation and dyspnea besides having a marked influence over the dropsy, always imminent in these cases.

Camphora: As a heart stimulant for emergency use, it is a most satisfactory remedy. 5 drops per dose on sugar (not in water) every 5 minutes. Coldness of the body and extremities.

Carbo veg. (Four times a day): Excessive flatulence pressing the heart and causing a sinking sensation and depression.

Cereus bonplandii 1x (Thrice a day): Pain in the chest through the heart running towards the spleen. Pain in the cartilages of left lower ribs and sensation of weight in the heart region.

Cholesterinum 30-200 (Twice a day): Insufficient function of the coronary blood vessels that supply blood to the heart. Coronary pain produced is usually dull and heavy with a feeling of squeezing in the chest.

Convallaria maj. Q (Thrice a day): Tobacco heart due to excessive cigarette smoking. Palpitation on the least exertion. Increases energy of the heart and renders it more regular. 5 to 10 drops a dose, thrice daily. Palpitation and heart failure of the aged from a sudden loud noise or an explosion of a big cracker or a bomb. Sensation as if heart ceased beating, then started very suddenly. Angina pectoris. Extremely rapid and irregular pulse.

Conium mac. (Thrice a day): Arteriosclerosis. Thickening, hardness and loss of elasticity of walls of blood vessels, specially of arteries.

Crataegus oxy. Q (Thrice a day): Increasing insomnia in cardiac affections. 5 drops in a teaspoonful of water every 3 hours. Common senile myocarditis with a previous history of hypertension, extreme weakness and irregular heart action. This remedy has no toxic effects. It can be given as a heart tonic for long periods of time for such senile hearts. Cardiac dropsy. Extreme dyspnea on least exertion. Cough. Angina pectoris. Pulse irregular, feeble and intermittent. Reduces hypertension by widening the blood vessels and moderates the heart rate. Extreme dyspnea on least exertion without an increase in the pulse rate.

Digitalis (Thrice a day): It works wonders in heart block and bradycardia (heart action heavy and slow). Great weakness and sinking of strength, faintness, coldness of the skin and irregular respiration. Bluish face. In cardiac muscular failure, it increases force of systole.

Ferrum met. 3x (Thrice a day): Sudden reflux of blood from heart to the blood vessels. Anemic murmur of heart. Pulse weak and soft.

Ferrum phos. 3x (Thrice a day): Rapid, short and soft pulse. For treatment of cardiac diseases in the final stage.

Glonoinum (Thrice a day): Beats of the heart is heard in ears. Fluttering. Palpitation with dyspnea. Throbbing in the whole body. Any exertion brings rush of blood to the heart.

Moschus (Thrice a day): Tightness of the chest. Patient takes a long breath. Hysterical palpitation. Trembling around the heart. Weak pulse and fainting.

Naja tri. (Thrice a day): Heart cases without any symptoms. Sensation of weight on the heart. Angina pains extend to the nape of the neck, left shoulder and arm. Fear of death. Pulse irregular. Threatened paralysis of the heart. Damaged heart after infectious diseases. Low blood pressure.

Pituitrinum 30 (Thrice a day): It has a valuable place in heart attacks of old people when it is hard to pick a well indicated remedy. Attack maybe due to coronary trouble or from chronic uremic conditions or from allergies. It relieves readily.

Secale cor. (Thrice a day): Anginal pain and hypertension. Numbness and coldness of extremities. Pulse contracted and intermittent.

Selenium met. (Thrice a day): It is found in minute quantities in fish, meat, whole grain and dairy products. Selenium improves the oxygen supply to the heart. Use of these foods or vegetables grown in selenium rich soil is useful for the oxygen starved heart and maintaining the elasticity of heart tissues.

Serum anguillae (Thrice a day): Bloody urine due to cardiac irregularities like insufficiency of heart valve and faulty contraction of ventricles giving rise to kidney infection.

Spigelia (Thrice a day): Violent palpitation. Pain worse motion. Foul odor from the mouth. Pulse weak and irregular; dyspnea. Angina pectoris. Craving for hot water which relieves. Pains extent to arm or both arms. Pericarditis.

Strophanthus Q (Thrice a day): Increases the power of the muscles of the heart. Tones up the heart. Cures dropsical accumulations. It is safe for the aged. Irritable heart of tobacco smokers. 5 drops, thrice daily.

Sugar (Twice a day): Heart failure due to deficient heart muscles. One ounce of sugar, morning and evening in combination with other indicated remedy.

Syphilinum 1000 (One dose only): It prevents a recurrence of the heart attack.

Tabacum (Thrice a day): Angina pectoris. Pain in the precordial region. Pain radiates from the centre of the sternum with rapid palpitation or slow heart action.

Terminalia arjuna Q (Thrice a day): Diseases of heart, both organic and functional. Angina pectoris, suffocation, palpitation, weakness and pain in the heart. It is a very good remedy for these disorders. In acute cases, give 10 drops, half hourly and in chronic cases 5 drops, three hourlies.

Veratrum alb. (Thrice a day): A cold perspiration on the forehead when indicated. Palpitation with anxiety and rapid, audible respiration. Pulse irregular and feeble. Tobacco heart from chewing. Intermittent action of the heart in feeble persons with hepatic obstruction. One of the best heart stimulants.

Vipera (Thrice a day): Dropsy of heart with swelling of veins, face, lips and tongue with a bursting sensation.

NOTE 1: Exercise, diet, weight control, controlling of blood pressure, stopping the use of drugs and smoking avoid the risk of heart diseases.

NOTE 2: A team of scientists at The University of Pennsylvania confirmed after a research, that use of vitamin E gives protection against atherosclerosis characterized by fatty deposits in the arterial linings of the cardiovascular system, and protects against thickening, hardening and loss of the walls of blood vessels and confers “Patient Protection” from heart disease.

NOTE 3: The chances of heart attack are more if any or many of the below risk factors are present in a person:

  1. High blood pressure.
  2. Elevated blood cholesterol.
  3. Inactive life style.
  4. Over-weight.
  5. Stress (how one reacts to physical, mental or emotional tension).

NOTE 4: Heart diseases are mostly caused due to the death of a heart muscle. Heart muscles become starved for oxygen when cholesterol and fatty deposits clog the blood ways.

NOTE 5: The heart beats roughly 100, 000 times a day, pumps about 5 litres of blood every minute, pumps nearly 23000 litres of blood per day, pumps the entire blood supply around the body about once every minute, and is about the size of one’s fist.

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