Homeopathic Medicine for Injuries


Homeopathic Medicine for Injuries

Arnica mont. (Thrice a day): This is the remedy of first importance in all kinds of injuries, traumatic or bruised. It is mostly suited to cases, when any injury, however remote seems to have caused the present trouble. Higher potencies are as effective as lower.

Beilis per. (Thrice a day): Injuries to deeper tissues and nerves.

Calendula off. Q: A lotion of it, 20 drops to an ounce of water maybe used in all kinds of injuries and wounds. Internally, it is most effective in healing. It is a great antiseptic.

Causticum (Thrice a day): Healed wounds and scars re-open. Effects of old injuries come back.

Echinacea Q: Ulcers or wounds with foul smell and with tendency to gangrene. 10 drops in an ounce of luke warm water maybe used locally for cleaning and as an antiseptic wash. 5 drops in a little water maybe used internally every two hours till the curative effects appear.

Helleborus (One dose only): In 200, 1M or 10M potency of this remedy, is very special for the after-effects of head injuries.

Hypericum 12x (Thrice a day): Injuries to the nerves in the soft parts of the body like finger tips. It is useful in the injuries of coccyx and spine, maybe of long standing.

Ledum pal. (Thrice a day): Injuries caused by piercing of nails “punctured wounds”, insect bites, etc.

Natrium sulph. (Thrice a day): Injuries to the head and mental troubles thereafter.

Pyrogenium 200 (One dose only): An injury or a small cut becomes septic soon. Skin becomes red, swollen, inflamed and discoloured after emitting a fetid smell.

Ruta (Thrice a day): Bruises caused by blows and blunt weapons, when there is bleeding under the skin giving it a blue-black appearance.

Silicea (Thrice a day): Abscess in the cornea after traumatic injury.

Staphysagria (Thrice a day): Injuries caused by sharp instruments like, knife and sword.

Sulphur (One dose only): Use it when every little injury suppurates.

Symphytum off. (Thrice a day), Calendula off. (Thrice a day), Cineraria, Ruta (Thrice a day): Injuries to bones, eyeballs, tendons or ligaments. Tennis elbow resulting from tendon and ligament injuries.

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