Homeopathic Medicine for Warts – Papilloma


Homeopathic Medicine for Warts – Papilloma

Acidum phos. (Thrice a day), Sabina (Thrice a day): Black warts.

Acidum salicylic. 3X (Thrice a day): Itchy and pustular warts. Scratching gives some relief.

Anacardium ori. (Thrice a day), Dulcamara (Thrice a day), Natrium mur. (Thrice a day): Warts on the palms of the hand.

Anagallis 1x (Thrice a day): It possess power of softening flesh and destroying warts.

Antimonium crud. (Thrice a day): Warts on soles, palms and neck. Warts soft and smooth.

Antimonium tart. (Thrice a day): Warts on glans penis.

Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): Warts on the right hand.

Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day), Natrium carb. (Thrice a day): Warts on the back of the hand.

Aurum mur. (Thrice a day): Warts on the tongue and genitals.

Calcarea calcinata 3x (Thrice a day): It is a remedy for all kinds of warts.

Calcarea carb. (Thrice a day): Red warts on the fingers. Warts on face and hands.

Calcarea fluor. 12x (Thrice a day): Hard wart or a mole on the scalp.

Cannabis ind. (Thrice a day), Acidum phos. (Thrice a day): Warts situated on the prepuce.

Carbo animalis (Thrice a day): Warts on hands and face of old people.

Castor equi (Thrice a day): Warts on breasts.

Castoreum (Thrice a day): Warts on forehead.

Causticum (Thrice a day): Warts on finger tips, right index finger, on the face, eyelids and in or outside the nose. Burning and bleeding easily. Maybe situated all over the body.

Dulcamara (Thrice a day): Warts on the lower eyelid of the eyes. Large smooth warts on the palms.

Ferrum met. (Thrice a day), Psorinum (Thrice a day): Warts on the left hand.

Ficus carica (Thrice a day) (Fig): The fresh milky juice obtained by breaking the stalk when applied externally on warts causes their disappearance.

Kalium crb. (Thrice a day): Warts on the fingers.

Natrium carb. (Thrice a day): Warts on forearms.

Natrium mur. (Thrice a day): Warts on palms.

Natrium sulph. (Thrice a day): Red warts on the whole body. General remedy for warts especially when fingers and toes are affected.

Nitricum acidum (Thrice a day): Warts are like cauliflowers on lips or anywhere; hard, having cracks, sometimes emitting a fetid fluid. Warts on genitals. Warts bleed on washing.

Ruta (Thrice a day): Warts on the inside of hands.

Sarsaparilla (Thrice a day): Warts around joints of fingers.

Sepia (Thrice a day): Warts situated on the whole body.

Thuja occ. 1M (One dose only) Repeat after a week: Warts on the anus, thumb, sides of the fingers and the left index finger. Warts in crops, sometimes oozing moisture or blood. Warts on genitals and anal surfaces.

NOTE: A mixture of Thuja Q, Anagallis Q and Ficus carica Q in equal parts is mixed in a little amount of Vaseline to make a paste. It can be applied locally on the wart, along with dispensing of the oral remedy.

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  1. shweta says

    please send calcarea calcinate 3xFor warts ,its not available anywhere

    1. Dr G.P.Singh says

      This only can be done if you pay by pay tm. to us. Thanking you.

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