How to choose homeopathic medicine based on tongue ?

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In this article, we will understand that by looking at the patient’s tongue, we will know which homeopathic medicine it needs. So today we will discuss about the patient’s tongue. No matter what disease the patient has, you should give him any medicine on the basis of the symptoms, but once the tongue must be seen so that a suitable medicine can be selected.

Bryonia – In Bryonia, there will be a white coating on the tongue, lips are dry, very thirsty.

Rhus tox – The front part of the tongue appears red, shaped like a triangle. Some part of it may remain white.

Gelsemium – In Gelsemium the tongue trembles and some white scale remains on it.

Baptisia – The middle part of the tongue is brown, the front and sides are red. Sometimes, initially a white coating appears on the tongue, later it takes on a brown color.

If the tongue remains completely dry, remember two medicines – Chlorum and nux moschata

If a map is seen on the tongue, then – arsenic, Natrum Mur, lycopodium, nitric acid and terentula should come in the mind, then choose the medicine from these on the basis of symptoms. In Natrum Mur, the tongue remains torn and looks like a map.

In Natrum sulph, a mossy green scale is seen on the tongue.

Mercurius, whether merc sol or merc cor, will have thick, fuzzy tongue and stains of teeth on it. If you think that the patient needs merc sol or merc cor and if such a symptom is found on the tongue, then close your eyes and run the medicine, you will get the benefit.

In Kali Bich, there seems to be a hair stuck behind the tongue and inside the throat. Even after eating something and drinking it does not go away.

Tooth stains will remain – Arsenicum Metallicum, merc sol or merc cor, rhus tox, podophyllum, Chelidonium, hydrastis, syphilinum

Tongue cracked – Apis, Arsenic, Ailanthus glandulosa, baptisia, Brayonia, Acid Mur, rhus tox

A white coating on the tongue is seen in many medicines – Aconite, Apis, Borax, anacardium, Kali carb, causticum, China, colocynth, digitalis, magnesia mur, lycopodium, Merc cor, podophyllum, sarsaparilla, sepia, Sulphur

Very thick and white coating is visible in antim crud.

Yellow coating is found – Carbo veg, chamomilla, chelidonium, aloe, aurum mur, china, colocynthis, gelsemium, natrum phos, pulsatilla, collinsonia, cedro, ipecac, veratrum viride

A thick green coating on the tongue is seen in the patient of calcarea.

Blue coating – Ars, digitalis, acid mur, sabadilla, thuja and antim tart

The symptoms that I told on the tongue, mean to say that matching the symptoms of the medicine with the matching of the tongue makes it easy to find out the proper medicine, so there was a need to make this video.

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