Homeopathic Treatment of Inflammation Of Adrenal Glands


Adrenal gland is a triangular-shaped body adjacent to and covering the upper surface of each kidney and secrete a group of hormones. When the secretion of hormones is high, it results in hypertension and increase of urine volume and when it is low it causes anemia, sluggishness, weakness, weight loss, hypotension, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and mental changes. When such a deficiency is chronic, it is called Addison’s disease.

The cause may be hemorrhage in the gland as a result of infection and it may occur at birth resulting from an injury. The following remedies may be found useful, but the selection of the remedy should be made on the totality of symptoms.

Adrenalinum 2x, 3x : By stimulating sympathetic nerve endings, it controls hypertension. It checks capillary hemorrhage, nausea and vomiting. There is a sensation of constriction of chest and thorax.

Argentum nit 30 : It improves the memory and reduces bad mental impules, fear and habit of doing things in haste.

Arsenicum alb 30c : Its use removes mental fear and anxiety, nausea and vomiting. Helpful in the cure of anemia, specially when there is iron deficiency.

Iodium 2x : The atrophy and inflammation of the adrenal glands is removed by the use of this remedy by arousing the immune system of the body.

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