Homeopathic Treatment For Constipation


Inadequate food, water, and low intake of fluids, fiber and bran – free food or use of drugs such as ‘Isoptin’ caused constipation.

Allopathy : Dulcolax, Milk of Magnesium, Lactulose and Cremaffin, etc. drugs are commonly given for the relieve in constipation.

The effects of allopathic : After taking these aperients and cathartic (Purgative) drugs constipation occurs more strongly. And you are habitual to these drugs.

Homeopathy : medicines given below are very specific :

  1. For child’s constipation – Alumina -30, Nux vomica – 200, Bryonia – 30
  2. Cathartic drugs : Hydratis -30, constipation results after misuse of nux vomica -200.
  3. Constipation due to eating more : Nux vom, Sulphur
  4. Constipation due to the habit of sitting constipation : Aletris, Collinsonia, Nux vomica (when sited for several hours continuously)
  5. Constipation during pregnancy : Sepia -30, Podo 30
  6. Constipation in old age : Plati., Alumina, Opium, Avena.
  7. Passengers constipation : Alumina, Hydrastis, Nux vom
  8. Due to the weakness of the intestine and rectum, constipation, intestinal pain and weakness : Aesculus-30, Alpha Q +,Avena Q + Aletris Q, 10-15 – drop twice a day after meals .

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