Homeopathic Treatment Of Debility


Debility is not a disease but it is like a disease. A feeble and languor person faces many problems from change of atmosphere, and even in society. Following homeopathic medicines can change the problem and increase mass of the debilitated persons along with their immunity power.

(1) Alphalpha Q :- It acts on sympathetic nerves, Increases of appetite, Bodily functions becomes healthy and smooth, increase of mental ability, mass of body. Lessens nerves debility, sleeplessness.

(2) Amalki – Q :- In the case of weakness and debility both 10 drops of this medicine may be taken in half cup of water three times a day. For more Zing-Sang-Q may be taken alternately.

(3) Ashoka Q :- Women suffering from menstrual problem and body has become lean and thin, then weakness & debility vanishes, she becomes not only healthy but also problem of menstruation, appetite, lingering fever etc. disappears after taking 10 drops of medicine thrice a day regularly for a month.

(4) Calcarea phos 6x :- General progress of a depilated child increases, Generation of bone becomes strong, germination of teeth healthy and other teething problems not arises. Calcarea Flour6x makes the body more flexible and febrile.

(5)Tonic of Debility – Aswagandha Q, Avena Sataiva Q, Alfalfa Q, and Caria Pepya Q – All four medicines mixed in equal quantity in Q potency and take three times a day 10 drops regularly mixing with water makes body strong, and energetic to all male and female. It must be used long for time.

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  1. Umesh Singh says


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