Homeopathy Medicine For Gas Problem


Food which produces irritation in stomach and intestine, Steroid free drugs, alcohol and stress etc. are the causes of this disease.

Allopathic : Drugs made up of Ranitidine or other drugs mix with it. Such as Omeprazole.

The effects of allopathic : mouth dryness and constipation.

Homeopathy remedy for gas in the stomach   :

 Arsenicum Album-30,  Argentum Nitricum- 30 and Bismuthum 6, 30.

Chronic Gastritis: Spicy food, pickles, chilly and people who smoke and drink, suffers from this disease. Sometimes anorexia and gastritis symptoms also appear.

Allopathy: Cisapride, Zantac.

The effects of allopath : Cisapride and Zantac generate dryness and constipation. A common side effect of these drugs is increasing piles. Acidity is formed by Omeprazole . Cisapride can be fatal for heart. (Arrhythmias).

Homeopathic treatment for gas problem:

Nux Vomica -30 : (If you have diarrhea)

Nux Vomica -200 : (If constipation)

Carbo Veg-30 and China- 30 in alternate manner

Hydrastis-30 : In morning and evening.

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