Homeopathic Remedies for Ear Wax Removal


Homeopathic Remedies for Ear Wax Removal

Conium mac. (Thrice a day): A little wax is necessary in the ear. It is very poisonous and instantly kills any insect straying into the ear. However, abnormal secretion of the wax is cured by the use of this remedy. Wax should also be removed manually.

Lachesis (Thrice a day): It removes the irritation caused by hard and dry ear wax. The wax can also be softened by instilling a few drops of Mullein oil and then removed manually.

Wiesbaden (Thrice a day): Copious secretion of ear wax which is soft, slimy, thin, almost fluent and pale brown with much itching in ears after its flow is cured by the use of this remedy.

NOTE: Ear wax begins as a fluid secreted by cells in the ear canal as a self-cleaning method. The fluid is slowly pushed to the outside by small hairs lining the ear canal. When it remains in the canal too long, it dries and takes on a hardened appearance. The hairs continue to move it to the exterior so that it can be cleaned manually.

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