Mercurius Solubilis 30 Uses, Benefits – Merc Sol 200 Homeopathy Uses

  • Profuse sweat without relief
  • Intense thirst, though the tongue looks moist, with profuse salivation
  • Dysentery with tenesmus, with more blood, not ameliorated by stool

Source: Mineral kingdom
Synonyms: Hydrargyrum, Quick silver, Metallic mercury
Prover: Dr Hahnemann, Dr C. Hering
Duration of Action: 1 to 3 days
Miasmatic Background: Syphilis (king of antisyphilitic remedies) Temperament: Hurried and nervous
Diathesis: Scrofulous
Thermal Relationship: Sensitive to both heat and cold, also called as the human barometer

Introduction and History: It is an extremely valuable remedy of the materia medica. It is a very corrosive remedy and the king of antisyphilitic remedies. Mercury has long been known to be a medicinal substance and amply abused by allopaths. There are various preparations of mercury, but under the heading of Mercurius we will combine the study of Mercurius solubilis and Mercurius vivus. It is a tonic, purgative, cholagogue, antiphlogistic and sorbefecient.

Description: Mercury is a brilliant silver-white metal. At ordinary temperature it is liquid. It is also called Quicksilver. It is ammoniated nitrate of mercury. It is a heavy, grayish-black powder of slightly acrid, metallic taste. Insoluble in water, alcohol or ether. It is entirely volatilised by heat with decomposition.

Preparation: Triturations are prepared with sugar of milk. Higher potencies are prepared from 3c of each drug.

Constitution and Physiognomy

  1. It is best suited to light haired people, with lax skin and muscles.
  2. Women and scrofulous children, who perspire easily and who are sensitive to both heat and cold.

Ailments From: Fright, bad effects of sugar, vapour of copper or arsenic, abuse of mercury or its preparations; suppressed syphilis or gonorrhoea, stings of insects, suppressed foot Sweat.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): Mucous membranes, liver, bones, right side, salivary glands, skin, tonsils, joints, crowns of teeth, kidneys, lymphatic system, intestines, internal organs.

Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)

  1. Metal by itself is inert but by combining with the acids and other fluids of the body, it is converted into a highly poisonous material. It enters blood circulation and produces many functional and destructive changes in organs, tissues and blood.
  2. In small doses and for a short duration it acts as a tonic improving the general condition of the system, the red blood cells and causing again in weight.
  3. Profoundly acts upon the entire organism, affecting both the functions and substances of every organ and tissue of the body.
  4. It acts upon the digestive system causing ulceration of the mucous membranes producing pain in the stomach.
  5. It acts upon salivary glands producing excessive salivation in the mouth due to inflammation of the salivary glands and in some cases the whole thing may turn gangrenous.
  6. It acts upon blood – red blood cells are destroyed. As a result of this, the coagulability of blood diminishes, producing profound anaemia, oedema and palpitation. Continuous administration of mercury produces the peculiar cachexia known as ‘hydrargyrism’.
  7. All glandular structures of the body are affected. The lymphatic glands, the liver, the pancreas and the bile are affected.
  8. Acts upon the nervous system producing tremors initially. The chronic effect may cause epileptic seizures followed by coma and death.
  9. It acts in pregnant women, causing abortion due to the impoverishness of blood.
  10. Acts upon skin producing an eruption like scarlet fever. The skin is swollen and burns like fire; it is accompanied with profuse sweating and falling of hair.
  11. It acts on the mind and brain producing weakness of mind, mental depression, debility, nervous tremors, incoordination and paralysis.
  12. It acts upon bones causing nocturnal bone pains and destruction.
  13. Due to hydrargyrism, breath is foetid; swelling and sponginess of the gums with a blue line along their margins, offensive saliva, metallic taste, loss of appetite, loosening of teeth, diarrhoea and rise of temperature soon follow.
  14. Due to the action on tongue, it becomes heavily coated and flabby, taking the imprint of teeth; ulcers form in the mouth; the throat is inflamed and raw.
  15. Due to the action on the liver, it becomes enlarged and sensitive; secretion of bile is augmented.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Weak memory, slow in answering questions, loss of will power.
  2. Great restlessness with fear of loosing reason.
  3. Great indifference to everything. Weary of life. Airtrustful.
  4. Nocturnal anxiety, great apprehension. Homesickness.
  5. Delirium and other mental derangements of drunkards.
  6. Suspicious, continuous moaning and groaning.
  7. Does foolish, mischievous, disgusting acts, imbecility.
  8. Quarrelsome, irritable, taciturn and indifferent.
  9. Throws off the clothes at night and scolds. Tired of life.
  10. Imaginary fears, tries to fly from the house, wants to go abroad.
  11. Vertigo, as if in a Swing, after stooping, when lying on the back.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

Ulceration: Superficial and readily bleeding ulcers. Ulcers with a lardaceous base. Hard chancre, ulcers, irregular in shape, look dirty and unhealthy.

Offensiveness: All discharges from the body are offensive. The breath is
putrid, sweat offensive, offensive urine, stool. Acrid nasal secretion smelling like old cheese.

Desires and aversions: Great desire for sweets, beer, alcohol, milk, but aversion to butter, meat and coffee.

Dysentery: Stool is slimy, bloody, with colic and faintness. ‘The more blood, the better indicated.’ Nocturnal seminal discharges stained with blood. After stool, violent tenesmus and continued urging.

Tension: Sensation of tension in scalp, as if it were bandaged. Sensation of contraction of some parts.

Salivation: Profuse salivation; saliva flows during sleep; saliva may be soapy and stringy, of putrid odour, coppery taste; offensive salivation.

Perspiration: Profuse sweating with most complaints without relief, nocturnal tearing pains with perspiration. Persistent dryness of skin; aggravation during perspiration.

Thirst: Great thirst for large quantities of cold water, with profuse saliva in the mouth.

Pus: Particularly bloody pus from any orifice of the body. Pus flows freely.

Chill: Fever with a creeping chilliness is a characteristic symptom of this remedy. Creeping chilliness in inflammatory conditions; cold, clammy sweat.

Paralysis and tremors: Tremors run through the remedy. Tremors and trembling from least exertion, almost a specific in facial paralysis from cold. Tremor of head, extremities and tongue so that he cannot talk.

Leucorrhoea: Leucorrhoea is burning, acrid, itching with rawness; always worse at night.

Glands: Swelling, inflammation and suppuration of axillary, parotid, submaxillary and inguinal glands.

Suppuration: Tendency to formation of pus, particularly bloody pus. ‘Pus forms in cavities, in abscesses, with burning and stinging pains.’ Every little injury suppurates.

Itching: Dry itch which bleeds after scratching. Every little injury suppurates. Constantly moist skin, persistent dryness of skin contraindicates Mercurius. In boils and abscesses. Itch is worse from warmth of bed.

Bones: Bone feels as if they were broken. Bone pains worse at night.

Mammae: Mammae painful at every menstrual period, as if they would ulcerate. Milk in breast of non-pregnant women instead of menses; in breasts of boys or girls.

Cough: Cough dry, fatiguing, in two paroxysms; worse lying on right side.

Urinary troubles: Constant desire, but little urine passed; must urinate atleast every hour, day and night with burning in urethra. Quantity of urine passed is greater than the amount of water drunk.

Slimy discharges: Discharges from mucous membrane are slimy in character.

Imprint of teeth: The tongue is moist, salivated, large, flabby, showing imprint of teeth.

Nasal catarrh: Acrid and corrosive.

Important Characteristic Features

Dysentery: It is often indicated in dysentery especially when it occurs in a season when warm days are followed by cold nights. In a majority of cases, the evacuations consist of dark or black, dark brown, green or yellowish-green faecal matter and a considerable amount of blood and mucous. Although they may be slimy, bloody, loose and scanty, they are horribly offensive and are more frequent at night are attended by severe colicky pains in the abdomen, prolonged tenesmus burning in the anus, excoriation of the anus. More the blood, better is Mercurius solubilis indicated.

Stomatitis (mouth): Sore mouth with salivation; tendency to ulcerations of all forms, especially late and superficial ulcers. There should be an accompanying diarrhoea. Gums are white, spongy and Swollen; saliva is profuse and ropy, and the glands about the neck are swollen. Bitter, sweetish, metallic, coppery taste in the mouth. Intense thirst, foul breath, profuse offensive salivation. Tongue is swollen, flabby; takes imprint of teeth. Thickly coated, dirty, yellow with painful ulcers.

Syphilis: It is a very good remedy for syphilis. It corresponds to majority of symptoms of secondary syphilis, to syphilitic fever, to soft chancres and to buboes, to sore throat and nocturnal syphilitic pains which banish sleep as soon as the patient goes to bed. Chancres and ulcerations have dirty, foetid discharges. It is good for primary and secondary syphilis with glandular enlargements; bone pains; worse at night and in damp weather.

General Modalities

Aggravation: At night, in damp weather, from warmth of bed, lying on right side, warm days and cold damp nights, perspiration, in a warm room.

Amelioration: From weeping, coitus, rest in bed, moderate temperature.

Remedy Relationships

Complementary: Bad, Kali-i.

Follows well: Bell, Chin, Dulc, Hep, Nit-ac, Sulph.

Antidotes : Aur, Hep, Nit-ac, Chel, Kali-i, Bell, Carb-v, Chin, Iod, Lach, Lyc, Mez, Staph.

Remedy antidotes: Ant-c, Ars.

Precedes well: Bell, Hep, Lach, Sulph.

Compare: Kali-m, Syph, Mez, Phos.


Painful mammae, as if they would ulcerate at every menstrual period: Con, Lac-c, Merc.

Children refuse food and drink on account of sore mouth: Arum-t, Merc.

Constant pain under the lower and inner angle of right scapula: Chel, Kali-c, Merc.

Pneumonia of right lung with liver complications: Chel, Merc.

Loss of appetite with a metallic taste: Cocc, Merc.

Pain shoots to ears: Lac-c, Merc.

Sore throat with a constant desire to swallow: Lac-c, Lyss, Merc.

Aggravation lying on right side: Mag-c, Merc, Kali-c.

Throat sore and swollen, deglutition of either liquids or solids impossible: Med, Merc.

Pain in periosteum of long bones, worse at night and in damp weather: Merc, Mez, Phyt.

Constant desire to move but motion aggravates pains: Lac-c, Merc, Phyt.

Pains from darkness to daylight: Merc, Phyt, Syph.

Potency: 6x, 12x, 30, 200, 1000.


  1. Low potencies hasten suppuration.
  2. High potencies abort suppuration; given better results in gastrointestinal disorders.

Repetition: Single dose is sufficient in chronic cases. But may be repeated in dysentery after every stool and at an interval of a few days in syphilis.

Therapeutic Value: Abscessess, Anaemia, Bone affections, Breath offensive, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Dentition, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Dyspepsia, Eye affections, Glandular swelling, Gout, Gum troubles, Heart affections, Jaundice, Leucorrhoea, Lung affections, Measles, Melancholia, Mumps, Pregnancy troubles, Prostatic disorders, Rheumatism, Smallpox, Stomatitis, Suppuration, Syphilis, Teeth affections, Toothache, Tremors, Ulcers, Urinary trouble, Vomiting, Whooping соugh.

Note: Should not be given before or after Silicea.

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