Crataegus Oxyacantha q Uses, Benefits – Crataegus Oxyacantha Homeopathy Medicine

  • Used as a specific remedy for heart complaints; a heart tonic
  • Heart tonic for muscular weakness in heart; myocarditis
  • Insomnia of aortic sufferers

Source: Vegetable kingdom
Synonyms: Hawthorn berries, May thorn. White thorn
Family: Rosaceae

Introduction and History: Dr Greene of Ireland introduced this drug to homeopathy. During his life time he did not reveal the name of this remedy. He amassed a lot of wealth through this secret drug. After his death, his daughter revealed Crataegus oxyacantha as the secret drug. Ever since it has been used with success in cases of heart failure.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): Produces giddiness, lowered pulse, air hunger and reduction in blood pressure. Acts on muscles of the heart and IS A HEART TONIC. No influence on the endocardium. Myocarditis. Failing compensation.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Ailments from grief, sorrow, care.
  2. Anxiety with palpitation.
  3. Despair with irritability.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

  1. Irritability, crossness and melancholy. An unusual rush of blood to head with a confused feeling, followed by a feeling of quiet and calmness mentally.
  2. A hurried and flurried feeling with rapid action of the heart.
  3. A remedy specific for the heart, acting on the heart muscles. Does not act on the endocardium. Cardio-haemorrhagic cases.
  4. Cardiac dropsy, valvular affections with dyspnoea. Dyspnoea on slightest exertion without much rise of pulse. Cardiac hypertrophy.
  5. Dilation of the heart with a weak first sound and an accelerated, feeble, intermittent and irregular pulse.
  6. Pain under left clavicle and left scapula, associated with weakness, general anasarca, insomnia, anaemia and cutaneous chilliness.
  7. Burning, smarting eruptions in the back of the neck, axillae and chin.
  8. Fingers and toes blue.

Important Characteristic Features

Head: Apprehensive, despondent. Very nervous and irritable, with pain in the back of the head and neck. Mental dullness, conjunctival irritation, nasal discharges.

Urinary: DIABETES, especially in children.

Heart: CARDIAC DROPSY. Fatty degeneration. Aortic disease. EXTREME DYSPNOEA ON LEAST EXERTION, without much increase of pulse. Pain in region of heart and UNDER LEFT CLAVICLE. Heart muscles seem flabby, worn out. Cough. HEART DILATED: FIRST SOUND WEAK. Pulse accelerated, IRREGULAR, FEEBLE, INTERMITTENT. Valvular murmurs, angina pectoris. Cutaneous chilliness, blueness of fingers and toes; all aggravated by exertion or excitement. Sustains heart in infectious diseases.

Skin: Excessive perspiration. Skin eruptions.

Sleep: Insomnia of aortic patients.

General Modalities

Aggravation: Warm room, least exertion, night, rheumatic affections.

Amelioration: Fresh air, rest, remaining quiet.


Apocynum cannabinum: Cough during pregnancy.

Potency: 3x, 6x, 12x, 30, 200.

Dosage: Fluid extract or tincture, one to fifteen drops. Must be used for some time in order to obtain good results.

Repetition: Can be repeated frequently.


Useful best on an empty stomach, unless given during or immediately after a meal, it may produce nausea. When your remedy picture points to Phos, Nat-m, Lat-m, Ars or Lach but disappoints you, think of Crataegus – Dr Wilburd. K Bond

Therapeutic Value: Atropy of glands, Blurred vision, Burning in eyes, Cancer of stomach, Eye paralysis, Lump in throat, Ulcer of cornea, Uterine fibrosis.

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