Bacillinum 30 Homeopathy Uses, Benefits And Side Effects


Bacillinum is useful in treating a number of diseases but it is a very effective medicine for curing Tuberculosis. It brings out the excessive phlegm and more air is sent to the lungs after consuming recommended doses. This aids in spilling out the infected fluid from our blood and purges the lungs removing all T.B germs from the body.

This homeopathic medicine is very effective when the patient suffers from difficulty in breathing and pus is accumulated in the respiratory tube which finally comes out as greasy phlegm. Most aged people suffer from lungs diseases due to cough and cold apart from Tuberculosis; Bacillinum is effective in such cases too.  It’s the best medicine for people suffering from coryza and cold.

Effective in the following symptoms:

Symptoms in the head – Bacillinum cures headache, irritation and dullness. This medicine works even when a patient suffers from itching of eyelids and ringworm.

Symptoms in stomach – Bacillinum aids in treating stomachache, T.B in the intestine, loose motions and constipation and formation of gas.

Respiratory organ symptoms – Wet asthma is cured intaking doses of Bacillinum, dog like sound while coughing, suffocation due to cough, lung congestions, pus formation and definitely T.B is cured.

Skin-related issues – This medicine treats skin problems like acne, unusual growth of neck glands and other skin diseases.


The symptoms increases at night, early morning and if patient walks in cold moist air.


You can compare Bacillinum to Antimonium iodatum, Arsenicum iodatum, Lachesis, Myosotis and levico.

You can compare Bacillinum with Tuberculinum. Both these medicines help in curing lung ailments. Bacillinum testium treats diseases related to the lower part of our body.

Complimentary medicine

Kali carbonicum and calcarea phosphorica are complimentary drugs.


5-10 drops of this medicine only once a week offers relief but it’s always recommended to see a doctor. Do not take this medicine repeatedly and do not use a potency which is below 30 ch.

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