Coffea Cruda 200 Uses – Coffea Cruda Materia Medica

  • Bad effects of sudden emotions or pleasurable surprises
  • Oversensitiveness; all senses very acute
  • Unusual activity of MIND and body
  • Hasty eating and drinking
  • Toothache better holding ice water in mouth

Source: Vegetable kingdom
Synonyms: Unroasted coffee bean, Coffee
Family: Rubiaeae
Prover: Dr Hahnemann
Duration of Action: 1 – 2 days
Miasmatic Background: Psora
Temperament: Choleric and sanguine
Thermal Relationship: Chilly patient

Introduction and History:The effects of Coffea cruda have to be considered separately from those of Coffea tosta, since the roasting converts much of the caffeine into methylamine, which gives coffee its aroma. However, the effects are scarcely distinguishable, and I have not attempted to keep them strictly apart. Coffea cruda is one of Nash’s Trio of Pain remedies, others being Aconitum and Chamomilla.

Habit and Habitat: Coffea plant is indigenous to Arabia, India and other tropical countries.

Preparation and Parts Used: Mother tincture is prepared from the raw seeds of the plant. Higher potencies are prepared from the mother tincture.

Constitution and Physiognomy: Tall, lean, stooping people with a dark complexion and a sanguine-choleric temperament.

Ailments From: Emotions or violent excitement of mind; joy or pleasant surprise, grief, fear, fright, wine, over fatigue and long journeys.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): This drug acts specially on seven centres of the body through the cerebrospinal system – mainly the cerebrum, cord, posterior column, circulation, kidneys, sexual organs, digestive organs and the vagi.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Bad effects of Sudden emotions, surprises, joy, etc. Weeping from delight; alternate laughing and weeping. All ill-effects of fear, fright, disappointed love, over fatigue, long journey, excessive laughing, too much wine.
  2. Unusual activity of MIND and body.
  3. Impressionable, especially to pleasurable impressions. Full of ideas, quick to act. Irritable and wakeful.
  4. Memory becomes very acute. Memory active until midnight. Clearness of
    mind, in the evening, at night.
  5. Excitement, as if hurried. Unconsciousness after emotions; during parturition.
  6. Fear of death, from pain.
  7. Weeps, laments and tosses about over trifles.
  8. Nervous palpitation.
  9. Now joyous, now gloomy. Resents sympathy

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

  1. Oversensitiveness; all the senses are more acute – sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch.
  2. Pains, insupportable, driving patient to despair, felt intensely. Tossing about in agony.
  3. Sleeplessness, impossible to close the eyes. Physical excitement through mental exaltation.
  4. Hasty eating and drinking.

Important Characteristic Features

Headache: Pain as if a nail is driven into the brain, as if brain were torn or dashed to pieces. Worse in open air. Headache from excessive mental exertion, thinking, talking.

Toothache: Intermittent and jerking relieved by holding ice water in the mouth, but returns when water becomes warm.

General Modalities

Aggravation: Excessive emotions, narcotics, strong odours, noise, open air, cold night, touch, overeating.

Amelioration: Holding ice in mouth, warmth, sleep.

Remedy Relationships

Complementary : Acon.

Antidotes: Cham, Ign, Nux-v, all drugs of vegetable kingdom.


Hypersensitiveness: Bell, Cham, Op, Coff.

Intolerable pains: Acon, Cham, Coff.

Toothache, better holding ice water in mouth: Bism, Bry, Caust, Nat-s, Puls, Sep.

Ailments from fear, fright, joy: Gels.

Potency: 30, 200.

Dosage: Single dose is sufficient.

Repetition: Maybe repeated when symptoms call for it.

Therapeutic Value: Chronic fatigue syndrome, Insomnia, Migraine, Neuralgias, Toothache.


  1. Insomnia during pregnancy – Dr Jahr.
  2. To re-establish secretion of milk, stopped by the shock of a death in the lactating mothers.

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