Constitution In Homeopathy


Constitution In Homeopathy

In homeopathy, there are the following types of constitutions of a patient:

  1. Syphilitic: Syphilitic constitution is found in patients having a Syphilitic history in their family.
  2. Sycotic: Sycotic constitution is found in patients who have a history of gonorrhea in their family.
  3. Psoric: All other diseases of skin, fevers, etc. are found in Psoric
  4. Lymphatic: Concerning immune and lymphatic system.
  5. Carbo – nitrogenoides.

The following are the remedies:

Hydrogenoids: Nitricum acidum, Calcarea, Silicea, Natrium sulph., Aranea, Apis, Pulsatilla, Thuja (such patients have morbidly hydroscopic blood so that damp air and water are inimical. Abnormal sensitiveness to damp and cold, inability to live near fresh water, lakes, rivers, etc., or in damp chilly places.

Nitrigenoids: Sulphur, Rhus tox., Urtica urens, Mercurius, Hepar Sulphuris, Alumina, etc.

Syphilitic: Mercurius, Iodiums, Kaliums, Syphilinum, etc.

Sycotic: Thuja occ., Nitricum acidum, Medorrhinum, etc.

Psoric: Sulphur, Psorinum, etc.

NOTE 1: In diagnosing a constitutional remedy for a patient, the totality of symptoms is always the rule.

NOTE 2: Inherited Syphilitic miasm makes people short and ugly, while the inherited Sycotic miasm makes people fat. The inherited tubercular diathesis makes people tall with often transparent beauty (Dr. E. Wright).

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