Homeopathic Cellulitis Remedies


Homeopathic Cellulitis Remedies

It is believed that cellulitis, which occurs almost exclusively in women, is caused by hormonal imbalances.

Water, liquids and toxins accumulate in the body’s connective tissues causing legs, hips and buttocks to look lumpy. Apis mel., Arsenicum alb. Lachesis, Rhus tox., Natrium sulph., Tussilago fragrans or Vespa and Manganum acet. selected according to the totality of symptoms – cures it. Regular exercise, reduction in salt intake (excess sodium in diet leads to fluid retention), eating a detoxifying diet (like fruits, vegetables, whole grains), avoiding alcohol, caffeine and tobacco, reduction of fat intake and relaxing help reduce cellulite. Taraxacum (Dandelion) leaves added to salads or cooked as spinach reduce cellulite. Taraxacum contains substances that enhance the liver’s ability to break down waste products and toxins. It aids elimination from the blood of water and waste by the kidneys. It is also believed that it stimulates the pancreas and encourages insulin production.

A paste prepared with pure Epson salt (Magnesium sulph.) with water in the ratio 1: 4 on a lint should be spread on the affected parts. It reduces the inflammation.

Cellulitis is caused due to increased secretion of estrogen at puberty or by use of birth control pills or pregnancy or smoking or by diets rich in saturated fats and inadequate lymphatic and liver functions. Deficiency in the eliminating capacity of the kidneys can also be a cause of cellulitis.

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