Homeopathic Medicine for Gas and Constipation – Flatulence – Gas or Wind Trouble


Homeopathic Medicine for Gas and Constipation – Flatulence – Gas or Wind Trouble

Agaricus mus. (Thrice a day): Profuse fetid flatus. Gurgling in the abdomen. Flatulent distension of the stomach.

Alfalfa Q (Twice a day): Flatulence with distention of the abdomen. Shifting flatulent pain in the abdomen several hours after meals.

Aloe soc. (Thrice a day): Copious, offensive flatus during passing of stools.

Argentum nit. (Thrice a day): Flatulence with painful swelling of the stomach. Abdomen swollen with gas. Explosive belching.

Asafoetida 3x (Thrice a day): Pressure of wind is always upwards, never downwards. Belching is loud.

Carbo veg. (Thrice a day): Wind bloats in upper part of abdomen. Eructation of wind by mouth with noise like hiccough relieved by belching or passing wind. Pain in stomach on account of gas. Flatulent colic – pain extends to the chest.

China off. (Thrice a day): Wind bloats the whole abdomen. Patient says that everything eaten turns to gas. Passing of wind does not give relief.

Colchicum autum. 200 (Twice a day): In dyspepsia when there is burning or a sensation of coldness in the stomach; much gas in the stomach, abdomen or both. The smell of cooking food causes nausea. Distention of abdomen with gas.

Fucus ves. Q (Twice a day): Flatulence in fat persons. Digestion is furthered and flatulence diminished by the use of this remedy.

Graphites (Twice a day): Very fetid gas preceded by colic.

Kalium carb. (Thrice a day): Abdomen distended with wind immediately after eating. Excessive flatulence. Everything he eats or drinks appears to be converted into gas, especially in aged and broken down patients.

Lycopodium 200 (One dose daily): Immediately after a light meal, abdomen is bloated with gas. Sense of fermentation in abdomen. Liver trouble. Wind is in lower parts of the abdomen. Passing of wind relieves.

Lycopodium (Thrice a day), Lac can. (Thrice a day): Gas is emitted through the vagina.

Magnesium phos. 6x (Four times a day): Bloating of abdomen with hot wind. Must loosen clothing, walk about constantly passing flatus.

Myrica c. (Thrice a day): Constant discharge of flatus when walking. Urging to stool with no results, then passing of a great amount of flatus.

Nux mosch. (Thrice a day): Dyspepsia. Everything eaten turns into gas and fills the stomach and abdomen to cause pressure on all the organs in the abdomen.

Nux vomica (Thrice a day): Flatus is due to indigestion and there is often pain in the stomach during its passage.

Psorinum (One dose daily): Flatus smells like rotten eggs.

Raphanus (Thrice a day): Wind formation around the navel. No emission for a long time.

Rhus g. 3x (Thrice a day): It disinfects the bowels, and flatus and stools become free from odor.

Sulphur (One dose daily): Flatus smells like rotten eggs or sewage gas.

Thuja occ. 200 (One dose daily): Flatus in children. Abdomen distended. Loud rumbling in abdomen. Passing of wind does not give relief.

Note: Most gas is caused by swallowing air or by the normal breakdown of undigested foods, like milk sugar, beans, cabbage, etc. The smell comes from the bacteria in the colon that releases a small amount of Sulphur.

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1 Comment
  1. R k Vashishtha says

    Very nice information

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