Homeopathic Medicine for Hydrophobia – Rabies


Homeopathic Medicine for Hydrophobia – Rabies

Agava americana Q: A very good remedy for rabies. Give 10 drops (without addition of water which is dreaded by the patient) right on the tongue every 10 minutes till cured.

Hydrophobinum 200 (One dose daily): Actions violent. Jumps, strikes and bites like a mad dog.

Lyssinum 200 (One dose daily) For 3 days: Convulsion brought about by the sight of running water. Hyper sensitiveness of all senses. Start the treatment with this remedy.

Stramonium 200 (One dose only) Repeat every 3rd day: Madness of a person on seeing running water or even by drinking water.

Xanthium 200 (One dose daily): It is said to be a specific remedy for hydrophobia.

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