Homeopathic Medicine for Leg Problems


Homeopathic Medicine for Leg Problems

Agaricus mus. (Thrice a day): Numbness of legs on crossing them.

Alumina (Thrice a day): Legs feel asleep when sitting with legs crossed.

Amylenum nit. (Thrice a day): Must stretch legs for hours together. Feels relieved in doing so.

Arnica mont. (Thrice a day): Soreness of the thighs.

Belladonna (Thrice a day): Jerking of the limbs during sleep.

Beilis per. (Thrice a day): Pain down the front part of the thigh.

Calcarea carb. (Thrice a day): Pain as if sprained in patella and knees on rising from a seat. Whole of the knee feels cold and there is a tearing in muscles.

Cannabis ind. (Thrice a day): Sensation of shortness in the left leg.

Carbolicum acidum (Thrice a day): Painful contraction in calves when walking.

Causticum (Thrice a day): Crackling and tension in the knees. Stiffness in the hollow of the knee.

Chamomilla (Thrice a day), Platinum met. (Thrice a day): Sleeps with legs apart.

Cina (Thrice a day): Must lie on hands and knees.

China off. (Thrice a day): Pain in limbs and joints as if sprained. Worse by slight touch but better by hard pressure.

Cobaltum (Thrice a day): Weakness of legs after emission.

Conium mac. 200 (One dose daily): Difficult gait, trembling, sudden loss of strength while walking, painful stiffness of the legs. Legs better by lying down or by putting feet on a chair. Cracking and pain in patella.

Crocus sativus (Thrice a day): Weakness of legs and knees.

Crotalus hor. (Thrice a day): A lady cannot keep her the legs still.

Gelsemium (Thrice a day): Dislocation of patella with loss of power of muscular control.

Illicium (Thrice a day): Pain in the thighs.

Indigo tinc. (Thrice a day): Pain from the middle of the thigh to the knee and boring pains in the knee joints, worse after every meal and better by walking.

Kaiium carb. (Thrice a day): Uneasiness, heaviness and tearing in the limbs and jerking. Legs and back jerk out and go to sleep easily. Constant pain in the lumbar region and legs with weakness. The patient cannot move.

Kalium mur. (Thrice a day): Inflammation of the membrane of the patella.

Lathyrus sat. (Thrice a day): Cannot cross or extend legs when sitting. Legs fall asleep when sitting with legs crossed.

Lilium tig. (Thrice a day): Mostly keeps legs moving. Cannot keep them still.

Lycopodium (Thrice a day): Limbs go to sleep, jerk and twitch at night in bed.

Medorrhinum 200 (One dose only) Repeat after 15 days: Legs feel heavy, ache all night. Cannot keep them still in spite of pain.

Mercurius sol. (Thrice a day): Weakness and trembling of the legs. Dropsical swelling of legs and feet.

Natrium carb. (Thrice a day): The hollow of knee is painful on motion.

Pareira brava (Thrice a day): Pain in the upper part of the side of the thigh.

Phytolacca dec. (Thrice a day): Pain in the legs. The patient is afraid to get up and stand. Pains like electric shocks on the underside of thighs and in legs.

Picricum acidum (Thrice a day): Great heaviness in legs, can hardly lift them from the ground. Tired aching feeling, also in the back.

Platinum met. (Thrice a day): Has a disposition to keep lower limbs uncovered.

Rhododendron ch. (Thrice a day): Must lie with legs crossed.

Ruta (Thrice a day): Pain when straightening the limbs or legs give out when rising from a chair. Hips and thighs weak.

Secale cor. (Thrice a day): Cold and blue extremities when the patient is intolerant of heat and feels better in cold and by cold application.

Sepia (Thrice a day): Legs lame and stiff. Appear too short. Likes to sit with legs crossed. Likes energetic exercise. Coldness.

Silicea (Thrice a day): Loss of power in legs. Legs tremble when walking.

Stannum met.: Must lie with one leg drawn up and the other stretched out.

Staphysagria (Thrice a day): Muscles of calves feel bruised. Extremities feel beaten up. Pam in the upper part of thigh, on its inner side. Pain in buttocks and back.

Tarentula his. (Thrice a day): Weakness and numbness of legs with twitching. Must move them constantly even though walking aggravates his troubles.

Tellurium met. (Twice a day): Contraction of tendons in the bends of the knees.

Teucrium mar. 3x (Thrice a day): Legs go to sleep with tingling when sitting.

Thuja occ. 200 (One dose daily): Legs feel heavy as if made of wood or glass.

Vipera (Thrice a day): Patient likes to keep legs elevated. Hanging down of legs cause aggravation in pain and gives a feeling as if they would burst.

Zincum met. (Thrice a day): Lameness, weakness, trembling and twitching of legs. Cannot keep them still.

Zincum val. (Thrice a day): Must move about. Cannot keep the legs still.

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