Homeopathic Medicine for Liver Spots


Homeopathic Medicine for Liver Spots

There may be light yellow to black spots on the skin. These maybe due to indigestion, or due to syphilis or cancer and in pregnancy and some other uterine conditions. These conditions must be found out and cured. Liver spots will disappear automatically.

Liver spots of pregnancy disappears after the birth of a baby. The following medicines are usually indicated:

Curare (Thrice a day): Spots of yellow-brown color.

Lycopodium (Thrice a day): Spots on face, especially on the abdomen.

Mezereum (Thrice a day): This is indicated when the color of the spots is dark brown, blue or black. Spots maybe on chest and arms.

Natrium hyposulph. Q (Thrice a day) 5 drops in ½ cup of water: Use for liver spots – locally and internally.

Plumbum met. (Thrice a day): Liver spots during the period of menopause. They disappear after menopause.

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