Homeopathic Medicine for Nerves Problems


Homeopathic Medicine for Nerves Problems

Aconitum nap. (Thrice a day): Sudden inflammation of the nerves due to anxiety or fear, worse with noise and light.

Apis mel. (Thrice a day): Optic neuritis in the first stage.

Argentum nit. (Thrice a day): Inflammation of nerves. Loss of control and want of balance anywhere – mental and physical.

Beilis per. (Thrice a day): Results of injuries to nerves with intense soreness and intolerance to cold bathing.

Carboneum sulph. (Thrice a day): For atrophy of the optic nerve and optic disc.

Chenopodium (Thrice a day): Affections of the auditory nerve. Hears high pitched sounds better. Comparative deafness to the sound of voice. Burning in ears. Numbness of auditory nerve.

Cimicifuga (Thrice a day): Inflammation of nerves due to reflex disorders.

Cinnabaris 3x (Thrice a day): Pain in the ciliary nerve causing redness of the eyes, canthi and lids. Pain around eyes to temples and bones of the orbit.

Cypripedium pub. (Thrice a day): Nerves shortened by long illness or excessive tea and coffee drinking.

Glonoinum (Thrice a day): Inflammation of nerves due to heat of the sun. Better by motion and uncovering the head. Pulsations all over the body.

Hypericum 3x (Thrice a day): Crushing injuries to the nerve sheaths of the spine and other nerves causing tearing, burning and stinging pains. These are cured by this remedy. Slight paralysis caused by entanglement of nerves in the sacrum. Numbness of parts affected and constant drowsiness.

Kalium phos. (Thrice a day): An excellent nerve tonic.

Lycopersicum escu. (Thrice a day): Tingling along the right ulnar nerve.

Magnesium phos. 12x (Thrice a day): It is a remedy for nerve tension as exhibited in the pulse. In severe nerve tension, the wrists also become tense. If it is in both wrists, that shows the whole nervous system is involved. Three tablets given with hot water 2 hourly will remove the tension. Pain is on the right side, better by heat and pressure.

Naphthalinum (Thrice a day): Paralysis of the optic nerve causing blindness and opacity of the cornea.

Phosphorus (Twice a day): Atrophy of the optic nerve with cataract; due to paralysis.

Rhus tox. (Thrice a day), Hypericum (Thrice a day), Kalmia lat. (Thrice a day): Pain along the ulnar nerve according to the symptoms of the remedy.

Saponinum (Thrice a day): Affections of the 5th nerve. Migraine before menses. Pain in the left temple and eye. Photophobia. Hot stitches deep in the eye.

Solanum lyc. (Thrice a day): Tingling along right ulnar nerve.

Spigelia (Thrice a day): It cures neuralgia of the 5th nerve. Pain or loss of sensation in the face, forehead, temples and eyes. Deviation of the jaw.

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