Homeopathic Medicine And Treatment of Overweight and Obesity


While obesity is the enemy of beauty, it is also the cause of many problems. Obese people experience difficulty in doing normal work, walking, running etc. Obesity treatment is being given here.

Obesity Treatment Case Study

In this article we will discuss a case of how the problem of obesity was cured with homeopathic medicine.

A woman, age 25 years, approached me for the problem of obesity. He told me that:-

I am very hardworking, doing MSC in Computer Science, I can manage any project successfully. My boss is happy with the performance.

She was always the favorite child of the house. His parents and siblings love him very much. The parents are very humble. She is also a favorite among friends and relatives – she has received love and affection from all.

She is intelligent and has always been ahead in her studies. She is an organized girl. He had written everything very well and told all the previous history.

She has done a lot to become successful in her career. On further enquiry, she told that a less skilled person got promotion in her place and she was mentally unable to tolerate this failure.

In such a situation, she started eating a lot of chocolate, ice cream, sweets etc. Suddenly his weight increased by 25 kg in just 8 to 9 months.

He started feeling very hungry. She goes into depression and starts feeling guilty. The increasing weight has affected her performance, making her even more frustrated.

Sleep – Get more sleep. Have strange dreams like: Missing a train, being late for work, not ready for exams.

On asking about the physical symptoms, it was found out that: – feels very cold, likes to cover oneself, gums are swollen, teeth are rotten, there are white spots on the nails, there are stretch marks on the stomach and back of the knees.

Desire to eat sweets, chocolates, after listening to the whole matter the medicine that came out was VANADIUM METALLICUM.

Symptoms of VANADIUM: You will find disappointment in failing to achieve something and later feeling guilty about it.

VANADIUM is the first and most important medicine in cases of anorexia or bulimia. Bulimia alternates with anorexia in this medicine.

VANADIUM A person also dreams: – being late, missing the train, trying but not being able to get work done, paralysis.

VANADIUM When people fail, their mood gets spoiled. In such a situation, I gave a dose of VANADIUM 1M to the patient.

To control obesity and to reduce fats, individualization of the case is necessary. Weight gain is the result of several different facts like genetics, heredity metabolism, inadequate elimination, eating habits and life style. The homeopathic treatment is based upon draining, treating and curing. Drainage means relieving the liver, kidneys and circulatory system of toxins. Fucus is a diuretic and detoxifying agent. It activates burning of fats and sugar. If you forgot to take off your rings before sleeping at night, then next morning you cannot take them off because your fingers are so swollen and after some hours when you pass urine, etc. the fingers become normal. In such cases, Natrium sulph. acts as a powerful drainage agent. The following medicines can be prescribed for people who are over-weight. These will not help people who just want to lose 5-10 pounds. To get restored to a more normal body and to take off the weight, the patient must know how to eat properly and exercise. Fats should be decreased to minimum in the diet. Fasting and dieting can be more harmful even than being fat as most people gain back the lost weight after dieting is abandoned.

Extreme dieting can lead to eating disorders like anorexia nervosa and bulimia. There are no magic pills.

Regular physical activity and a low-calorie diet help reduce obesity. Experts link obesity to diabetes, heart disease and some cancers.

Ammonium mur. (Thrice a day): Patients having respiratory troubles. Sluggish and have large buttocks and thighs.

Antimonium crud. (Thrice a day): Gouty patients with gastric troubles having a tendency to grow fat. Tongue thickly coated white.

Apocynum can. 1x (Thrice a day): Abdomen is bloated due to dropsy. Puffiness elsewhere due to dropsy. By the use of this remedy, the waist can reduce in one month and loss of weight can be upto 20 pounds in one month.

  1. Grain Products: Choose whole gain and enriched products more often.
  2. Vegetables & Fruit: Choose dark green and orange vegetables and orange fruit more often.
  3. Milk Products: Choose lower-fat milk products more often.
  4. Meat & Alternatives: Choose leaner meats, poultry and fish, as well as dried peas, beans and lentils more often.

How fat is too fat?

New standards say that you are overweight if your body mass index (BMI) is over 25.

How to calculate your BMI:

Example: A person 5’7” weighing 159 pounds has a BMI of 159×703 divided by 67×67 = 25

Heightweight (lbs)

Body Mass Index

The Body mass index indicates whether you are at low, moderate or high risk of developing health problems. It recognizes that there is no one, ideal weight for every one of the same height. The BMI does not apply to children and teenagers, adults over 65, women who are pregnant or nursing, extremely muscular people or endurance athletes.

How to find your BMI: (Weight in pounds x 703) / (Height x Height in Inches)

  1. Mark an X at your height on table A.
  2. Mak and X at your weight on table B.
  3. Take a ruler and join the two Xs.
  4. Extend the line along the ruler to graph C.
  • Under 20 A BMI under 20 may be associated with health problems for some in dividuals. It may be a good idea to consult a dietitian and physician for advice.
  • 20-25 This zone is associated with the lowest risk of illness for most people. This is the range you want to stay in.
  • 25-27 A BMI over 27 is associated with increased risk of health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure and diabetes. It may be a good idea to consult a dietitian and physician for advice.

Homeopathic Medicine For Obesity

Calcarea carb. 200 (One dose daily): Fat people with perspiration on the forehead. Excessive fat in abdomen. Obesity specially in children and young people. Excessive appetite. Chilly patients. When obesity is due to hypothyroidism, it cures obesity as well as the thyroid or pituitary dysfunctions.

Calotropis Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: It decreases flesh and hardens muscles.

Fucus ves. Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Patients having a defect in the thyroid gland and are gaining weight and becoming fat because of it. It is a diuretic and a detoxifying agent. It bums excessive fats and sugar.

Graphites (One dose daily): Anemic young ladies with a red face and tendency to obesity due to delayed menses. It suits the males also. Such patients have skin affections and have weeping tendencies.

Iodium 2x (Thrice a day): Debilitated fat patients having thyroid troubles – feeling hungry always. In such cases, Iodium 2x will reduce obesity. Higher potencies will increase weight.

Phytolacca berry Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Obesity without any possible defect in the system. A general remedy to reduce weight and fat.

Pulsatilla nig. Q (Thrice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Obesity due to uterine troubles. Patient is shy, emotional and thirst less.

Thyreoidinum 200 (One dose only) Repeat after a week: Excessive obesity due to imperfect function of the thyroid gland. Such patients crave large amounts of sweets.

Tussilago fragrans Q – 3x (Thrice a day): Obesity due to over-fulness of blood vessels or over-quantity of any fluid in the body or dropsy. It cures abdominal protuberance permanently.

NOTE 1: There are two general classifications of obesity:

  1. Exogenous: It is caused by excessive food intake. In such cases diet should be below maintenance requirements but no dieting or fasting.
  2. Endogenous: It is caused by some abnormality within the body like adrenal hyperfunction or testicular or ovarian or thyroid hypofunction.

NOTE 2: Obesity can be from any of the following causes:

  1. Hyperinsulinemia: This disorder causes the body to over – produce insulin hormone. Insulin turns carbohydrates into fat. The extra insulin starves the brain of the glucose and disrupts the entire endocrine system which creates mood swings, constant fatigue and food cravings causing obesity. In addition to the homeopathic oral treatment, low consumption of carbohydrate diet and high protein diet helps cure obesity. –
  2. Prader – Willi syndrome: It is a congenital medical disorder which results in compulsive over-eating causing obesity. It is curable.
  3. Hyperthyroidism: It is a curable condition.
  4. Cholesterol: High level of cholesterol causing obesity can also be cured.
  5. Genetic origin: It is hard to cure.
  6. Cellulite: In this kind of obesity of ladies, the upper portion of the body remains normal but the hips and thighs become fat. It is caused due to increased secretion of estrogen at puberty or by the use of birth control pills, or pregnancy or smoking or by diets rich in saturated fats and inadequate lymphatic and liver functions.

NOTE 3: It is important that in cases of obesity, the cause should be determined and the treatment should be directed at the source of the problem.


  1. Enjoy a variety of foods from each of the four groups:
    1. Choose lower fat foods.
    2. Choose whole grain and enriched products.
  • Choose dark green, orange vegetables and fruits.
  1. Choose leaner meats, poultry, fish and dried peas, beans and lentils.
  1. Walk at least 1 mile a day.
  2. Research has revealed that diet rich in calcium helps reduce body fat. Calcium suppress the hormones linked to body’s fat storage.

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