Homeopathic Medicine for Opium Habit


Homeopathic Medicine for Opium Habit

Avena sativa Q: Almost specific for removing craving for morphine and Opium. Give 20-25 drops in hot water, 3 times a day.

Berberis vulg. Q (Thrice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Useful to counteract morphine and Opium habit.

Chamomilla (Thrice a day): It is useful in antidoting the desire for morphine and Opium. It antidotes bad effects like pain and sleeplessness.

Coffea cruda (Thrice a day): Antidotes bad effects of narcotics and sleeping pills. Black coffee is better.

Passiflora Q, Avena sativa Q: Mixed in equal parts and given in 20 drop doses, three times a day takes away craving for morphine and Opium.

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