Homeopathic Medicine for Paralysis


Homeopathic Medicine for Paralysis

Agaricus mus. (Thrice a day): Exalted notions. Involuntary laughing and crying alternately.

Aurum met. (Thrice a day): Paralysis due to hypertension.

Baryta carb. (Thrice a day): Paralysis of old men with mental and physical weakness.

Belladonna (Thrice a day): Paralysis of insanity, with marked hallucinations and illusions. Depression.

Cannabis ind. (Thrice a day): When the exaltation of ideas is very marked with sleeplessness.

Causticum 10M (One dose only): Paralysis of left arm and left leg. Paralysis of ocular muscles after exposure to cold. Lids seem heavy and there is inclination to close the eyes. Right side is mostly affected. Paralysis of right side of the face. This remedy is very useful in recent or chronic cases. Repeat after four days, if needed.

Conium mac. (Thrice a day): Slow developing, ascending paralysis.

Gelsemium (Thrice a day): Paralysis of various groups of muscles about the eyes, throat, chest, larynx, intestines, extremities, sphincter, etc. Post-diphtheric paralysis. Polio and Laundry’s paralysis. Muttering speech. Numbness.

Ignatia amara (Thrice a day): Hysterical paralysis specially of the neck.

Lathyrus sat. (Thrice a day): Paralytic affections of the lower extremities. Involuntary contraction of the muscles. Paralysis of the eyelids and eyeballs. Slow movements of fingers and toes. Infantile paralysis. Paralysis after wasting diseases with slow recovery of nerve power. Excessive rigidity of the legs.

Nux vomica (Thrice a day): Paralysis as a result of over-eating, excessive drinking of liquors, etc.

Plumbum met. (Thrice a day): Paralysis of a single muscle. Cannot raise anything with the hand. Paralysis from overexertion of the extensor muscles in piano players. Paralysis of all the four limbs (quadriplegia). Painful paralysis.

Senega (Thrice a day): Paralysis of the left side of face with burning sensation on it. Distinct eye symptoms of a paralytic type.

Zincum met. (Thrice a day): Slow developing paralysis – descending paralysis.

NOTE: The permanent disability can be avoided, due to stroke or paralysis, if treatment is obtained early at the start of symptoms. The symptoms include headache, dizziness, confusion, loss of speech, visual impairment and numbness.

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