Homeopathic Medicine for Prophylactics


Homeopathic Medicine for Prophylactics

Acidum fluor. (Thrice a day) For 3 days: Prevents formation of warts and swelling of prepuce.

Arnica mont. (Four times a day): Prevents pus formation.

Arsenicum alb. (One dose daily), Psorinum (One dose only): Preventive against hay fever.

Bacillinum 10M (One dose only): Preventive against tubercular inheritance. Should be taken for about 2 months, a dose every 4th day.

Baptisia (Twice a day): Preventive against typhoid.

Belladonna (Twice a day): Prophylactic against simple scarlet fever and hydrophobia.

Berberis vulg. (Twice a day), Silicea (Twice a day): Preventive for recurring boils.

Diphtherinum 200 (One dose only): Preventive against diphtheria.

Drosera (One dose only): Preventive against whooping cough.

Golondrina 1M (One dose only): Its use provides immunity against the bites of poisonous snakes.

Influenzinum 200 (One dose only): Preventive against influenza.

Kalium mur. (Thrice a day): Prophylactic against the epidemic of jaundice. 3 doses a day for a week or so.

Lathyrus sat. (One dose daily): Preventive against polio.

Malaria off. (One dose daily): Preventive against malaria.

Morphinum (One dose daily), Malandrinum (One dose daily): Preventive against measles.

Parotidinum (One dose daily): Preventive against mumps.

Pertussinum (One dose daily): Preventive against whooping cough.

Psorinum 1000 (One dose only): Preventive against itches and scabies mite.

Pulsatilla nig. 1000 (One dose only) For 3 days: Triple vaccine for prevention of measles, mumps and chicken pox. One dose every day for three days at bed time. Repeat every 3 or 6 months.

Staphysagria 6x (Twice a day): Preventive against mosquito bites.

Trifolium rep. (Twice a day): Prophylactic against mumps.

Vaccinum (Twice a day), Malandrinum (Twice a day): Preventive against smallpox.

NOTE 1: In cases of prophylactics, it may be understood that higher the potency, the longer the immunity. It is said that 10000 potency will give an immunity of about 8 years, 1000 would give about 2-1/2 years protection and 30 would give protection for a few months only.

NOTE 2: When a vaccine is introduced in the body, the immune system reacts in the same way as if invaded by some disease by producing antibodies. These antibodies stay in the body to give it immunity against that disease.

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