Homeopathic Medicine for Travelling Sickness – Motion Sickness


Homeopathic Medicine for Travelling Sickness – Motion Sickness

Arnica mont. (Four times a day): Fatigue after travelling by air on a long distance.

Baptisia (Thrice a day): Shipboard fevers.

Belladonna (Thrice a day): Air sickness in aviation. Give as preventive before boarding an aeroplane.

Beilis per. (Thrice a day): A good remedy for railway travellers and other travellers who get backache and muscular soreness on travelling. Railway spine.

Borax (Thrice a day): Great fear of travelling in a plane when it descends to land.

Carbo veg. (Four times a day): Colic from riding in a carriage.

China off. (Thrice a day): Fatigue after loss of blood or other vital fluids.

Coca (Four times a day): Many complaints of mountaineering are covered by this remedy. Palpitation, dyspnea, anxiety and insomnia.

Cocculus ind. (Thrice a day): Nausea and vertigo from riding in a car, boat (on looking at a boat in motion), also sea sickness.

Lac def. (Thrice a day): Car sickness.

Nitricum acidum (Thrice a day): Marked improvement in all symptoms while riding in a carriage.

Nux vomica (Thrice a day): Problems of digestion in air travellers.

Petroleum (Thrice a day): Ailments from riding in cars, carriages and ships.

Platinum met. (Thrice a day): Constipation of travellers who are constantly changing food and water.

Sanicula aqua (Thrice a day): Nausea and vomiting from riding a car.

Tabacum (Thrice a day): Sea sickness. Faint, sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach. Nausea.

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