Homeopathic Medicine for Urine Problems


Homeopathic Medicine for Urine Problems

Acidum phos. 1c (Twice a day): Frequent, profuse and watery or milky urine. Frequent urination at night.

Acidum phos. (Thrice a day). Cina (Thrice a day): Urine becomes milky on standing in children.

Aconitum nap. (Thrice a day): Urine retained in infants. Hardly any other remedy will be needed.

Aloe soc. (Thrice a day): Cannot pass urine without passing stool.

Alumina (Thrice a day), Baryta carb. (Thrice a day): At night, frequent desire to pass urine in old people.

Ambra grisea (Thrice a day): Urine smells sour.

Ammonium phos. 3x (Thrice a day): Excess of uric acid in the urine with gout.

Apis mel. (Thrice a day): Desire frequent but passes in drops. Last drops bum and smart.

Apis mel. (Thrice a day), Sabal ser. (Thrice a day): Difficult urination due to affections of prostate gland.

Argentum nit. (Thrice a day): Urine passes unconsciously day and night. Emission of few drops after having finished urination. Reduction of weight and loss of sleep. Large quantity of urine with or without diabetes.

Arnica mont. (Thrice a day): Dribbling after labour.

Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): Epithelial cells in urine.

Arum triph. (Thrice a day): Starts the flow of suppressed urine within a short time when it is suppressed for a day. There can be frequent, abundant, pale urine alternately.

Baryta mur. (Thrice a day): Great increase in uric acid.

Belladonna 200 (Twice a day): Retention of urine in an otherwise healthy person, due to a kidney trouble. Urine is dark and turbid. Involuntary passage of urine during sleep at night.

Benzinum nit. (Thrice a day): The color of urine is black.

Benzoicum acidum (Thrice a day): Dribbling of urine in old people with an enlarged prostate. Urine has the smell of bitter almonds in clothes; the smell fills the whole room. It cures excess uric acid in urine.

Berberis vulg. (Thrice a day), Kalium bich.: Sensation as if some urine remained after urinating.

Borax (Thrice a day): Painful urination in children. Child is afraid to urinate and cries.

Bryonia alba (Thrice a day): Urine brown, like beer.

Cannabis ind. (Thrice a day): Urine retained due to kidney or bladder inflammation. Urine contains much slimy mucus. Much straining to void urine.

Cantharis (Thrice a day): Burning urine. Voided drop by drop. Suppression with restlessness. Constant desire to urinate. Pain before and during urination. Urine maybe bloody.

Carbolicum acidum (Thrice a day): Urine is almost black and offensive. Irritable bladder of old people with prostate trouble.

Causticum (Thrice a day): Retained after Surgery or voided very slowly, and also if it is retained after labour which was strenuous. Frequent desire at night in old people for passing urine. Loss of sensibility in passing urine. Involuntary when sneezing or coughing.

Chelidonium (Thrice a day), Chenopodium (Thrice a day): Urine profuse and foamy, yellow like beer. Dark and turbid, not clear.

Chininum sulph. (Thrice a day): Urine contains a small amount of uric acid and phosphoric acid.

Clematis erecta (Thrice a day): Involuntary loss of urine at the end of urination.

Coccus c. 3x (Thrice a day): Urine contains uric acid calculi and urates.

Conium mac. (Thrice a day): Frequent urination in old people at night and sometimes, urine cannot be retained; passes involuntarily. Dribbling in old people. Much difficulty in voiding. It flows and stops again.

Copaiva off. (Thrice a day): Voided in drops with pain. Before micturition, burning pressure. Urine retained with pain in anus and rectum. Fetid smell and is turbid green in color.

Cuprum ars. (Thrice a day): Urine dark and scanty, especially in diabetic patients. Urine suppressed.

Damiana Q (Thrice a day): Incontinence of old people. Urine leaks out involuntarily.

Dulcamara (Thrice a day): Must urinate when getting chilled.

Epigea repens Q (Twice a day): Urine contains muco-pus, uric acid, gravel, renal calculi or fine sand. Urine is of brown color.

Equisetum (Twice a day): Painful urination with burning. Severe pain after urination. Urine is voided drop by drop.

Eupatorium perf. (Thrice a day): Burning in bladder and urethra on urinating. Insufficient flow. Urine is milky and bloody. Polyuria with constant desire.

Ferrum acet. (Thrice a day), Kalium acet. (Thrice a day): Urine alkaline.

Formica rufa (Thrice a day): A useful remedy for Bacillus coli infection of urine. Large quantities of turbid and fetid urine is passed at night.

Hamamelis (Thrice a day), Erigeron (Thrice a day): Urine bloody with stone in bladder.

Hedeoma (Thrice a day): Frequent and urgent urge for urination with pain along left ureter and kidney to bladder. Urine contains uric acid.

Helleborus (Thrice a day): Urine suppressed. Unconsciousness. Convulsions. Body smells like urine.

Hepar Sulphuris (Thrice a day): Patient has to wait for some time before he can pass urine. Takes a very long time to finish urination. Patient never finishes urinating. It seems as if some urine always remains behind.

Joanosia asoca Q (Thrice a day): Irritable bladder of ladies. Involuntary urination at night.

Kalium sulph. (Thrice a day): A very useful remedy when there is excessive calcium oxalate and other oxalates in the urine.

Kreosotum (Thrice a day): Urine is offensive and there is violent itching of vulva and vagina; worse when urinating.

Lecithinum 12x (Thrice a day): Its use causes rapid decrease of phosphates, sugar or albumin in the urine. There is scanty secretion of urine.

Lithium carb. (Thrice a day): Heavy deposits of mucus, uric acid or pus in the urine.

Lycopersicum escu. (Thrice a day): Dribbling of urine in open air. Urine contains uric acid and is slow in coming. Polyuria during the night.

Lycopodium (Thrice a day), Ocimum can. (Thrice a day): Head remedy for red sand in urine. Lycopodium is also a great remedy for uric acid diathesis.

Magnesium mur. (Thrice a day), Cannabis ind. (Thrice a day): Must wait a long time before he can urinate.

Medorrhinum 1M (One dose only): Frequent urination during menstruation.

Mercurius acet. (Thrice a day), Sarsaparilla (Thrice a day): Cutting pain in urethra when the last drop is flowing out.

Mercurius sol. (Thrice a day): Frequent desire. Burning in urethra on beginning to urinate. It also cures urination on account of nervousness.

Methylene blue 3x (Thrice a day): Urine is of green color and contains a large amount of blood.

Natrium mur. (Thrice a day), Pulsatilla nig. (Thrice a day), Causticum (Thrice a day), Zincum met. (Thrice a day), Kalium carb. (Thrice a day): Urine escapes involuntary while coughing, sneezing, etc.

Natrium mur. (Thrice a day), Oxalicum acidum (Thrice a day): Oxaluria.

Nitricum acidum (Thrice a day): Urine is scanty and smells like the urine of a horse.

Nux vomica (Thrice a day): Frequent urination due to troubles of digestion. Urine dribbles or is passed with great difficulty. Urethra and vulva feel itchy.

Ocimum can. (Thrice a day): Red sand in the urine. It is the most important characteristic of this remedy. Urine smells like musk. Uric acid diathesis.

Opium 200 (One dose daily): Retention or involuntary urination after fright.

Pareira brava (Thrice a day): Dribbling after micturition. Constant desire. Flow starts after great straining with pain in the thighs.

Petroselinum (Thrice a day): Urine escapes if not attended to quickly. Intense biting, itching, deep in the urethra.

Plumbum met. 1M (One dose only): Urine extremely fetid. Urine suppressed. Frequent, ineffectual urge for urination. Tenesmus of bladder.

Populus t. (Thrice a day): Irritation of bladder. Urine contains mucus and pus. Urination painful and scalding.

Pulsatilla nig. (Thrice a day): Frequent urination due to weakened pelvic muscles. Burning during urination. Urine is voided involuntarily when coughing or sneezing or passing gas.

Rumex crispus (Thrice a day): Involuntary spurting of urine on coughing or sneezing.

Sabal ser. 3c (Thrice a day): Constant desire to pass urine at night. Difficult urination. Partial paralysis of sphinter of urinary bladder. Irritability of genito-urinary organs.

Sarsaparilla (Thrice a day): Dribbling while sitting. Severe pain at conclusion of urination.

Senega (Thrice a day) Sepia (Thrice a day): Involuntary passing of urine in sleep during the day. Urine offensive. Slow micturition.

Serum anguillae (Thrice a day): In affections of kidney from cold or intoxication, when there is diminished amount of urine of complete suppression of it, due to failure of kidneys. The use of this remedy produces large quantities of urine and removes the infection. It also cleans the urine from albuminuria.

Solanum lyc. (Thrice a day): Dribbling in open air.

Squilla maritima (Thrice a day): Great urging. Involuntary spurting of urine when sneezing or coughing like Causticum and Pulsatilla. Becomes more indicated in old people with recent or chronic bronchitis. Cannot hold urine when the urge comes.

Staphysagria (Thrice a day): Great and frequent urging to urinate after intercourse in young or newly married women.

Sulphur (One dose daily): Polyuria especially at night. Burning in the urethra lasts long after micturition. Must hurry. Sudden call to urinate. Great quantities of colourless urine.

Sulphur (One dose daily), Psorinum (One dose daily), Carbo veg. (Thrice a day): These are other remedies for the infection of urinary tract.

Terebinthiniae (Thrice a day): Suppression of urine. Violent convulsions, all due to a kidney trouble.

Thlaspi bursa (Thrice a day): Urine contains brick dust like sediment and the flow is intermittent and runs like little jets. It may contain blood.

Thuja occ. 1M (One dose only): A very good and curative remedy for Bacillus coli infection of urine. A dose every week.

Triticum rep. (Thrice a day): It is a very good remedy for excessive irritability of the bladder. There is a constant desire to pass urine and incontinence.

Turnera (Thrice a day): Incontinence of old people; cannot retain urine when the urge comes and it escapes.

Urtica urens Q (Thrice a day): Give 5 drop doses in warm water in case of suppression of urine.

Veratrum alb. (Thrice a day): For suppressed urine in cholera.

Verbascum Q (Twice a day): Constant dribbling of urine and enuresis of long standing. 2 drops a dose, morning and evening.

Vesicaria Q (Thrice a day): Cures polyuria, pyuria, albuminuria and haematuria. Painful and interrupted urination in drops produced by spasmodic muscular contraction of urethra and bladder. Use 10-15 drops thrice daily.

Viburnum op. Q (Twice a day): Ideal for immune system deficiency at the level of urinary tract and helps eliminate certain toxins from blood. Frequent urging. Pale, light colored urine. Urine escapes while coughing and sneezing or walking. The plant juice is commercially sold as “Cranberry juice” for use as a beverage.

Viola tricolour (Thrice a day): Urine is copious and has a disagreeable smell like the smell of cat’s urine.

NOTE 1: Several cases of incontinence come to homeopaths for treatment. Incontinence means that urine leaks out on coughing, sneezing, laughing or physical activity or otherwise, it cannot be held back on desire. Apart from the treatment given above, the following exercise, which can be done sitting down, lying down or standing up, maybe done regularly.

  1. Breathe deeply but do not hold breath.
  2. Tighten the muscles around the anus, pulling inward and upward without contracting the abdominal, back or thigh muscles.

NOTE 2: Women are affected by incontinence twice as often than men. This is due to pregnancy, childbirth and age. It can be caused by neurological problems such as multiple sclerosis or triggered by caffeine, chocolate, alcohol or spicy foods. Decreasing these irritants and drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day may help to rectify the problem.


Aconitum nap. (Four times a day): Retention of urine due to exposure to cold and rains or from inflammation or from fright.

Arnica mont. (Four times a day): Due to over-exertion.

Camphora (Thrice a day): Due to suppression of eruptions or discharges.

Causticum (Thrice a day): After surgical operations of paralysis.

Ferrum phos. (Four times a day): During fevers of acute illness.

Opium (Twice a day): After child birth.

Zincum met. (Thrice a day): In hysterical patients.

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