Homeopathic Medicine for Uvula – An Appendant Fleshy Mass


Homeopathic Medicine for Uvula – An Appendant Fleshy Mass

Aconitum nap. (Thrice a day): For the constricted feeling of the uvula.

Ammonium caust. (Thrice a day): Deposit of a white tenacious mucus on the uvula.

Apis mel. (Thrice a day): It is a very good remedy for the elongation of uvula when there is a feeling of burning and scraping in the throat.

Carbolicum acidum (Thrice a day): Uvula withered and shrivelled.

Chimaphila (Thrice a day): Pain in vagina. Labia inflamed and swollen.

Iris vers. (Thrice a day): Uvula enlarged like a cone in a thin tip.

Kalium bich. (Thrice a day): Ulceration of the uvula.

Mercurius bin iod. 3x (Thrice a day): Elongated uvula causing cough.

Mercurius cor. 3x (Thrice a day): When an elongated uvula is causing trouble, apply a little of this remedy on the uvula. It will relieve immediately and permanently.

Trifolium prat. (Thrice a day): Pain in the uvula.

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