Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma


Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma

In serious asthmatic attacks, physicians of the old system of medicine utilise steroids. These are no doubt, great as they reduce the life threatening symptoms of asthma. Despite their essential value, however, steroids do not cure the disease and the side effects from their long term use are so serious that even the American Academy of Allergy does not condone their use except in life threatening situations. Inhalers are useful when used correctly for less severe symptoms of asthma as they have less severe side effects generally. Inhalers dry the lung secretions making it difficult for the asthmatics to clear their chest and throat from mucus and clog their breathing passages. This is why homeopathic medicines are more trustworthy and workable under such circumstances. Most commonly a single medicine is not enough to effect a cure and a series of medicines over a period of several months or years are needed. The homeopathic physician should himself bear this in mind and tell the patient accordingly. The medicines should be changed only when it has stopped to do any further good. Asthma is assumed to be due to spasm of muscular coats of smaller bronchi.

Asthma is caused due to the narrowing of the windpipe which results in obstruction of breathing along with cough and expectoration. Allergy to dust, pallurts, hay or pollen, mental tensions, depression or anxiety, improper dietary habits, consumption of unsuitable food or very cold food or cold drinks, very spicy, pungent, dry and oily foods, certain diseases such as cardiac failure, allergic rhinitis and allergic disorders of the skin are known to cause asthma.

When asthma strikes

Asthma occurs when the linings of the lung’s bronchial airways become inflamed or swollen, usually due to allergies, airborne irritants or cold weather. These airways carry oxygen to the blood, and the length and severity of an attack can be fatal. Because the drugs that treat attacks increase oxygen levels in the blood, helping muscles to work harder and longer, many are banned for Olympic competitors.

Impact on airways

There are four main ways an asthma attack results in blocked airways:

  1. Mucus secretion increases.
  2. Smooth muscles contract.
  3. Blood vessels widen in allergic reactions.
  4. Swelling and inflammation.

The following medicines are generally indicated and may be used according to symptoms:

Aconitum ferox 3C (One dose only) Every 2 hour during attacks: Asthmatic attacks worse after midnight and on motion. Dry, short cough. Should be repeated frequently during the attack.

Ambra grisea (One dose only): Asthma on attempting coition. Asthma accompanied by cardiac symptoms.

Amylenum nit. Q (One dose daily), Passiflora Q (One dose daily): During the attack of asthma a teaspoon full of water containing 10 drops of Passiflora Q and smelling of Aml-ns. Q on cotton or handkerchief gives immediate relief.

Antimonium tart. (One dose only): Great rattling of mucus but very little is expectorated. Rapid, short and difficult breathing. Must sit up or lie on the right side for relief.

Arsenicum alb. (One dose only): Asthma worse midnight. Unable to lie down, fears suffocation. Burning in the chest. Expectoration is scanty and frothy. Wheezing respiration. For treatment give 30 potency and during attack give 200 potency in alteration with Blatta orientalis 200. It offers great relief.

Arum triph. (One dose only): Allergic asthma.

Aspidosperma Q (Twice a day): A tonic for the lungs. Removes temporary obstruction of the oxidation of blood by stimulating respiratory centres. Give a few drop doses till the feeling, “want of breath” is over. It is very useful in cardiac asthma.

Blatta orient. Q to 3x, (One dose only); 200 to 1000 (One dose daily): It is an excellent remedy for asthma. In acute cases acts better in lower potencies – Q to 3x. But in chronic cases it needs higher potencies, 200 to 1000. Patient gets worse in the rainy weather. Cough with much pus-like mucus. When improvement is noticed, discontinue the medicine.

Bromium (Twice a day): Asthma with dry, spasmodic, wheezing and rattling cough. Inspiration very difficult. Feels better near rivers and sea, and worse in dry climate.

Cannabis ind. (Twice a day): Humid asthma. Chest oppressed with deep laboured breathing.

Carbo veg. (One dose only): Asthma in old people. Cough spasmodic with gagging and vomiting of mucus. Bluish face. Offensive expectoration. Asthma due to ill-treated and neglected pneumonia. Asthma from abdominal orientation with marked flatulence. Asthma of old or debilitated people.

Cassia sophera (One dose only): Dyspnea worse during winters. Change of weather, inhaling of dust, cold drinks and exertion. Cough hurts the chest and there is hoarseness.

Cina 200 (One dose daily): Asthma of children with history of worms.

Crotalus casc. (One dose only): Embarrassed sternous breathing and semi-consciousness. Cannot take deep breaths. Coughs as soon as he touches the pillow – must get up.

Cuprum met. (One dose only): A real asthma, cough has a gurgling sound and is relieved by drinking cold water. Suffocative attacks worse 3 AM and cold weather. Vomiting after the attacks.

Grindelia rob. Q (One dose only) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Suffocation by lying in bed. An effective remedy for wheezing and oppression of breathing. Mucus is foamy and difficult to detach. Cannot breathe when lying down. Must sit up to breathe.

Hippozaeninum (One dose only): Bronchitis or bronchial asthma. Short, irregular and noisy breathing with excessive secretion of mucus which can suffocate.

Hydrocyanicum acid. (One dose only): Recent and uncomplicated asthma. Noisy breathing. Dry cough with contraction of the throat.

Hypericum (One dose only): Spasmodic asthmatic attacks with changes of the weather or before storms and in foggy weather, and better on expulsion of copious mucus and profuse perspiration.

Ipecacuanha (One dose only): Violent wheezing cough. Chest seems full of phlegm but does not come out on coughing. Very useful in children. Child becomes stiff and blue in the face. Given in alteration with Nat-s. in 30 potency often cures asthma of children. During the attack, give in lx potency in alteration with Acon. lx. It has proved to be a great palliative. Nausea may or may not be present. Attacks which occur yearly are also cured by the use of this remedy.

Kalium carb. (One dose only): Asthma from 3-5 AM. Dry hard cough with pain in chest. Expectoration is scanty, tenacious and offensive. Wheezing better in warm climate.

Lachesis (One dose only): Asthma worse after sleep. The patient sleeps into aggravation and is worse after taking pickles and other sour things.

Linum usitat. (One dose only): It is used in asthma with eczema, skin diseases and difficulties in urinary passages.

Lobelia inflata (One dose only): Asthmatic attacks are felt in the stomach and are preceded by prickling all over the body.

Lycopersicum escu. (One dose only): Asthma on breathing the least dust with frequent urination.

Medorrhinum (One dose daily) For 3 days: Much oppressed breathing. Hoarseness. Pain and soreness through chest and mammae. Incessant dry cough at night. Asthma better by lying in knee-elbow position.

Mephitis 1x (One dose only): Asthmatic paroxysms with suffocating feeling and spasmodic violent cough making exhaling difficult.

Naja tri. (One dose only): The patient grasps the neck during attack. Intense sneezing. Patient cannot lie down. Choking. Sticky mucus.

Natrium ars. (One dose only): Asthma of children beyond the age of 7 years and before puberty.

Natrium mur. (One dose only): Asthma at sea shore with tears in the eyes during attack. Shortness of breath especially on going upstairs.

Natrium sulph. (One dose only): Asthma of children. Dyspnea. Springs up in bed as cough hurts and holds the chest with both hands. Rattling cough worse between 4 and 5 AM. Expectoration is greenish. Fresh cold brings fresh attack. Chronic asthma worse in damp or rainy weather, from living in basements or cellars.

Nux vomica (One dose only): Attacks occur only in the morning, frequently induced by stomach disorders. Scraping in the throat. Asthma with fullness in the stomach in the morning or after eating. Shallow respiration and oppressed breathing.

Pothos (One dose only): Asthmatic complaints, worse inhaling the least dust. Asthma relieved by stool.

Psorinum 200 (Twice a day) For 3 days: Asthma with a peculiar symptom of relief by lying on the back with legs spread apart. Sensation of ulceration under the sternum.

Senega Q: In old people, who are asthmatic and have to sit up in the bed. Dyspnea. Great accumulation of mucus with much rattling and wheezing. Give 7 to 10 drops in a teaspoon full of water every hour till relieved. Talking hurts, and cough often ends in a sneeze. Difficult raising of tough, profuse mucus in the aged.

Succinicum acidum (One dose only) 3x: Asthma in hysterical persons, due to the inflammation of the respiratory tract with pain in the chest.

Sulphur (One dose daily): Dyspnea worse midnight and early morning. Wants windows open and craves open and fresh air.

Sumbulus (One dose only): Cardiac asthma. Loses breath on any exertion.

Syphilinum 1000 (One dose only): Chronic asthma in summer with wheezing and rattling. Cough dry, hard and worse at night. Wind pipe sensitive to touch.

Thuja occ. 200 (One dose only) Repeat after 1 week: Asthma of children. Give one dose a week. On that day no other medicine should be taken. On other days give Nat-s. 30 and Ip. 30 in alternation. This course often cures asthma in children. If given occasionally, prevents recurrence and bronchitis.

Thymi glandulae ext. Q (Twice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: A useful remedy of respiratory infections in the children. Dry, nervous asthma with severe spasms but only a little sputum is expectorated.

Tuberculinum 1000 (One dose only) Repeat once a week: Hard hacking cough, profuse sweating and loss of weight. Rales all over the chest. Deposits begin on apex of lungs. This medicine should be used inter currently, one dose a day and then wait for the symptoms to develop indicating the medicines to be prescribed. Syphilinum often follows well, advantageously producing a reaction.

Valeriana Q (One dose daily) ½ hour before going to bed, 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Choking on falling asleep. Nervous and spasmodic asthma.

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