Homeopathic Remedies for Bubo


Homeopathic Remedies for Bubo

Inflammatory swelling of one or more lymph glands especially in the groins is known as bubo.

Badiaga (One dose only): Glands in the armpit, neck, groin and breasts – swollen, enlarged and inflamed. Bubo is syphilitic.

Mercurius cor. (One dose only): In acute cases of soft buboes.

Mercurius iod. (One dose only): Syphilitic buboes.

Mercurius sol. (One dose only): In chronic cases when the bubo has become hard.

Phytolacca dec. (One dose only): Venereal buboes.

Tarentula cub. (One dose only): Bubo with pains and septic condition.

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