Homeopathic Remedies For Crohn’s Disease


Homeopathic Remedies For Crohn’s Disease

This is a chronic condition affecting young adults, giving rise to mild diarrhea and abdominal pain initially.

Typically, it affects terminal 10-20 cm of the ileum but may be found in any part of the intestinal tract including mouth, esophagus and anus. The wall is greatly thickened, especially the sub-mucosa which is edematous and may have a gelatinous appearance. The lumen is narrowed, producing sub-acute or chronic obstruction. Ulceration is always present.

Ulcers are narrow and linear (fissures)

Surviving mucosa is swollen and protrudes as cobbles surrounded by ulcers

The disease is named after Dr. Burnill B. Crohn Amer, a gastroenterologist. Symptoms resemble enteritis and colitis. There is diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever and gradual loss of weight. In severe cases, blockage of intestines occurs causing ulcers and fistulas of the intestines. Women between the age of 20 to 35 years are more prone to the disease.

Steroids are used in allopathic treatment, to reduce the inflammation but their use can cause hives, shortness of breath, low blood pressure, nausea or fatigue.

Surgical treatment consists of cutting off the diseased portions. But because the disease can take hold anywhere in the digestive tract from mouth to anus, Surgery can never offer a final cure.

Homeopathy has given good results when the disease is treated on its symptoms alone and not on the name. Section “Colitis” – may prove useful in this respect.

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