Oxalicum Acidum 30c Uses, Benefits – Oxalicum Acidum Materia Medica

  • Aggravation from thinking of complaints
  • Patient becomes cold, livid, blue and numb all over, especially in the lower extremities
  • Pains are like lightening, in streaks, in spots, with burning

Source: Mineral kingdom
Synonyms: Acid of sorrel. Sorrel acid. Oxalic acid
Prover: Dr Charles Neidhard of USA in 1844
Duration of Action: Not definite

Introduction and History: It is a crystalline dibasic acid, a poisonous chemical salt used as a disinfectant for the hands of surgeons. Although certain oxalates are constituents of vegetable food and of the human body, the acid itself is a violent poison when taken internally, producing gastroenteritis, collapse, stupor and death.

Oxalic acid, a chief constituent of sorrel and wood sorrel, exists in plants that are ordinarily deemed antiscorbutic and are remarkable for the grateful acidity of their herbage. Inspissated solutions of sorrel have been used successfully as a local application for epithelium along with a solution of oxalic acid and of tannic acid.

Preparation: Triturations are prepared with sugar of milk from which higher potencies are prepared.

Constitution and Physiognomy: It is suited to those people who are sensitive to cold, worse from thinking of their complaints, from exertion, allergic to sour fruits like strawberries, cranberries, apples, tomatoes, grapes, coffee, after taking sugar, starchy food, wine and those who pass oxalate of lime in their urine.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): It mainly acts on the digestive tract, genitourinary organs, spinal cord and nerves, and the left lung.

Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)

  1. It causes excruciating pain, corrosion of passages and destruction of mucous membranes.
  2. It influences the spinal cord and produces motor paralysis, coldness of the surface, numbness, mottled skin and blue nails.
  3. It may also cause death by exhaustion.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Nervous and sleepless.
  2. Very exhilarated, quicker thought and action.
  3. Symptoms worse by thinking of them. Not only this, but thinking brings on conditions when they are not actually present.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

Headache: Band-like sensation above the head, as of a screw behind each ear. Headache before and during stool, better after stool.

Pains: Most excruciating pains beyond description; worse when the patient thinks of them. Violent pains in spots, worse on motion and when thinking of them. It is a very useful medicine for periodical remissions.

Rheumatism: Rheumatism of the left side. Violent pains in spots aggravated by motion and when thinking of them.

Renal colic: Terrible pain in the lumbar region, over the region of both kidneys which extends down upto the thighs.

Aphonia: Loss of voice alternates with palpitations.

Aversions: Aversion to strawberries. Sugar, coffee and wine disagree.

Paralysis: It is useful for paralysis of the left side from spinal meningitis. Numbness extends from the shoulder to the fingertips. Pain starts from the spine and extends through the limbs.

Backache: Drawing and sharp pains shooting down the limbs. Numb and weak feeling in the back.

Respiration: Dyspnoea; short, jerking respiration.

Palpitations: Palpitations and dyspnoea in organic heart disease; worse when thinking of complaints and on lying down.

Angina pectoris: Sharp pains in the left lung. Pain comes suddenly, depriving the person of breath.

Important Characteristic Features

Urinary symptoms: A very useful medicine for urinary complaints. The renal region is painful, tender with soreness of the entire urinary tract. Burning pain in urethra and in glans when urinating. Urine contains oxalate crystals. Urine is frequent and copious. Patient must urinate when thinking of it. Worse when urinating

Heart affections: Palpitations and dyspnoea in organic heart disease, worse when thinking of complaints and on lying down. Aortic insufficiency. Beats of heart intermit when thinking of it. Fluttering in the heart. Pulse is feeble. Angina pectoris. Sharp pain in the left lung. It comes suddenly, depriving the patient of breath. Praecordial pain which darts to the left shoulder. Heart symptoms alternate with aphonia. Worse on thinking of complaints.

Male genital organ: A useful medicine for seminal vesiculitis. Neuralgic pain in the spermatic cord, aggravated from slight motion. Testes throb or feel crushed. Testicles feel contused and heavy. Worse motion.

General Modalities

Aggravation: Left side, slightest touch, by thinking of complaints, light, motion, shaving, while urinating.

Amelioration: After stools, from change of position.

Remedy Relationships

Antidoted by: Carbonate of lime and magnesia.


Nervous aphonia with cardiac disorders: Hydr-ac, Nux-m, Ox-ac.

Dosage: Sixth potency to thirtieth potency.

Repetition: Single dose is the rule for higher potencies.

Therapeutic Value: Angina pectoris, Aortic insufficiency, Backache, Deltoid rheumatism, Hoarseness, Meningitis, Neuralgia, Neurasthenia, Oxaluria, Spermatic cord neuralgia.

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