Sanicula Aqua 200 Uses, Benefits – Sanicula Aqua Materia Medica

  • Head and neck sweat profusely during sleep
  • Tongue – burning, must protrude it; ringworm of the tongue
  • Discharges have an odour of old cheese or fish brine
  • The odour of stool follows despite bathing

Source: Mineral kingdom.
Synonyms: Mineral spring water
Prover: Dr Sherbino, J.G. Gundlach

Introduction and History: The water of Sanicula spring is without odour or colour, and has an agreeable and slightly alkaline taste. It was proved by J. G. Gundlach, who, with his family, drunk it for more than a year.

Preparation: Dilutions of the spring water. Triturations of the evaporated salt.

Constitution and Physiognomy: Suits patients who are thin and look old and dirty; especially indicated in children.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): It mainly acts on nutrition, female organs, rectum, neck and skin.

Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology): This mineral spring water affects the nutrition, female organs, rectum, neck and skin.

Ailments From: Strains and jarring.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Especially added to headstrong, obstinate, touchy children.
  2. Patient has a constant desire to look behind.
  3. Patient is very irritable, the least word or action upsets him.
  4. Patient misconstrues everything.
  5. There is crossness quickly alternating with playfulness; especially in children.
  6. Patient has a dread of downward motion.
  7. Fear of the dark. Does not want to be touched.
  8. Patient is restless; desire to go from place to place.
  9. There is instability of purpose.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

Perspiration: Head and neck of children sweat profusely during sleep; wets the pillow far around.

Dandruff: Profuse, scaly dandruff on scalp, eyebrows, in the beard.

Soreness: Soreness behind the ears with discharge of white, gray, viscid fluid.

Tongue: Tongue is large, flabby; burning, must protrude it to keep it cool; ringworm on tongue.

Nausea and vomiting: Nausea and vomiting from car or carriage riding.

Thirst: Patient drinks little and often but contents are vomited as soon as they reach the stomach.

Changeability: Symptoms constantly changing.

Incontinence: Incontinence of urine and faeces; sphincter unreliable and urging from flatus; must cross legs to prevent faeces from escaping.

Constipation: No desire until there is a large accumulation; after great straining stool is partially expelled, the remaining recedes; large evacuation of small, dry, gray balls; must be removed mechanically.

Stools: Stools are hard, impossible to evacuate; of grayish-white balls, like burnt lime; crumbling at the verge of anus with the odour of limburger cheese.

Diarrhoea: Stools are changeable in character. Colour is like scrambled eggs. Stools are frothy, grass-green; turn green on standing, like scum of a frog pond. After eating, must hurry from the table.

Body odour: The odour of stool follows despite bathing.

Excoriation: Excoriation of skin around anus, covering the perineum and extending to the genitals.

Leucorrhoea: With strong odour of fish brine.


  1. Bearing down sensation, as if contents of pelvis would escape; worse by walking, misstep or jar, better by rest, lying down.
  2. Patient has a desire to support parts by placing hand against vulva; Soreness of uterus.

Foot sweat: Foot sweat between the toes, making them sore; offensive on soles, as if he had stepped in cold water.

Burning: Of soles of feet; must uncover to put them in a cool place. Child kicks off clothing even in coldest weather.

Emaciation: Progressive emaciation; child looks old, dirty, greasy and brownish; skin about neck is wrinkled, hangs in folds.

Important Characteristic Features

Constipation: A very useful medicine for constipation, especially in children. There is no desire until there is a large accumulation; after great straining stool partially expelled, the remaining recedes; large evacuation of small, dry, gray balls; must be removed mechanically. Stools are hard, impossible to evacuate, of grayish-white balls, like burnt lime; crumbling from the Verge of anus with the odour of limburger cheese. Worse straining. Better warmth.

General Modalities

Aggravation: Straining, motion, raising arms, putting hands behind, descending, cold wind, on occiput or neck, jarring.

Amelioration: Open air, warmth, vomiting.


Ringworm on tongue: Nat-m, Ran-s, Tarax.

Dread of downward motion: Borx, Sanic.


  1. Dr Boericke recommends thirtieth potency.
  2. Thirtieth to highest potency.

Repetition: Single dose.

Therapeutic Value: Acidity, Constipation, Cough, Dandruff, Diarrhoea, Eczema, Enuresis, Headache, Leucorrhoea, Marasmus, Rickets, Seasickness, Strains.

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