Stannum Metallicum 200c Uses, Benefits – Stannum Met 30

  • Cough excited by LAUGHING, singing, talking; Worse lying on right side
  • COPIOUS, GREEN, SWEETISH expectoration. Chest feels sore and Weak
  • Paralytic weakness; drops things. Spasmodic twitching of muscles of forearm and hand. Fingers jerk when holding a pen.

Source: Minerał kingdom
Synonyms: Tin
Formula: Sin
Prover: Dr. Hahnemann
Duration of Action: According to Dr Clarke, 35 days (Clarke)
Miasmatic Background: Psora
Thermal Relationship: Hot patient

Introduction and History: Stannum is the Jupiter of the alchemists. The ancients have recorded wonderful cures of the most serious diseases with tin as per Dr Hahnemann, but in his day, until he proved it, its only use was as a vermifuge.

Preparation: Trituration of the pure metal. Triturations are prepared from the fillings of the pure metal with sugar of milk. Higher potencies are prepared from the third trituration.

Constitution and Physiognomy

  1. Suited to those who feel weak and faint when going downwards, but can go up well enough.
  2. Also suited to women who are sad and despondent, feel like crying all time, but crying makes them Worse.
  3. Suited to people with extreme exhaustion of mind and body; have to sit down several times while dressing in the morning, great weakness is especially felt in the chest; she is unable to talk due to this weakness; even talking, singing, laughing makes her worse.

Ailments From: Emotions, fright, masturbation, dentition, using voice.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): It mainly acts on the nervous system, chest, respiratory organs, throat, stomach and upper arm.

Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)

  1. The chief action of Stannum is centered on the nervous system causing extreme weakness which is felt in the chest, throat and stomach.
  2. The cerebrospinal system is profoundly prostrated by Stannum.
  3. It acts on the sexual organs producing profound debility and neurasthenia.
  4. Acts on mucous membranes of the lungs, especially that of the bronchioles producing catarrhal inflammation, and profuse muco-purulent expectoration, with dilatation of the bronchi and complete exhaustion of the nerves of the lungs.
  5. It acts as a vermicide and is of great value in helminthiasis.
  6. Acts on the digestive organs producing enteralgia and constipation.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Patient is very sensitive as to what others say about her.
  2. Is anxious, nervous and sad; worse before menses.
  3. Miserable and discouraged.
  4. Patient can not get rid of an idea once it is fixed in their mind.
  5. Patient is taciturn and has a dislike for society.
  6. There are sudden fits of passion.
  7. Patient is forgetful and absentminded.
  8. Patient feels uneasy, knows not what to do with himself.
  9. Patient is hopeless, despondent; feels like crying all the time but crying makes them worse.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

Exhaustion: Extreme exhaustion of mind and body. There is a sinking, empty, all gone sensation in the stomach.

Headache or neuralgia: Pains begin lightly, increase gradually to the highest point and then gradually decline.

Abdominal colic: Pain is better by hard pressure, or by lying on the abdomen, across a knee or shoulder; lumbrici, passes worms.

Menses: Menses are too early, too profuse. Sadness before menses. Pain in malar bones during menses.

Leucorrhoea: It is a useful medicine for leucorrhoea. There is great debility; weakness seems to proceed from the chest (from abdomen, pelvis – Phos, Sep).

Prolapsus of uterus and vagina: Worse during stool. Patient is so weak that she drops into a chair instead of sitting down.

Weakness: While dressing in the morning she has to sit down several times to rest. When singing or using the voice, there is aching weakness in the deltoid and arms.

Nausea and vomiting: Worse in the morning; from the odour of cooking food.

Respiratory: Great weakness in chest; worse from talking, laughing, reading aloud, singing. Patient is so weak, that she is unable to talk.

Cough: Cough is deep, hollow, shattering, strangling; concussive, in paroxysms of three coughs. Cough is dry, while in bed, in the evening; empty sensation in chest.

Expectoration: Profuse, like the white of an egg; sweetish, salty; sour, putrid, musty; yellow, green pus during the day.

Hoarseness: Deep, husky, hollow voice; relieved for the time by coughing or expectorating mucous.

Sweat: Sweat is mouldy, has a musty odour; after 4 am every morning; on neck and forehead; very debilitating.

Important Characteristic Features

Respiratory affections: It is a very useful medicine for the affections of respiratory organs in which extreme weakness is marked. Great weakness of the chest; worse from talking, laughing, reading aloud, singing. Patient is so weak, she is unable to talk. Cough is deep, hollow, shattering, strangling; concussive, in paroxysms of three coughs. Cough is dry, while in bed, in the evening; empty sensation in chest. Expectoration is profuse, like the white of an egg; sweetish, salty; sour, putrid, musty; yellow, green pus during the day. Hoarseness. There is deep, husky, hollow voice; relieved for the time by coughing or expectorating mucous. Worse while in bed, in the evening. Better after expectorating.

General Modalities

Aggravation: Using voice, cold, 10 am, lying on the right side, after gentle motion, motion, Warm drinks, during stool, going downstairs, ascending, touch.

Amelioration: Hard pressure over an edge, coughing, expectoration, rapid motion, lying across something hard, bending double.

Remedy Relationships

Complementary: Puls.

Precedes well: Caust, Cina.

Follows well: Bac, Calc, Nux-v, Phos, Rhus-t, Sel, Sulph, Tub.

Antidote: Puls.


Symptoms worse from going downstairs: Borx, Stann.

Convulsions with eruption of teeth: Caust, Cham, Stann.

Whooping cough; three attacks of cough successively: Cupr, Stann.

Chest-weak from talking or coughing: Ph-ac, Stann.

Aphonia – after long use of voice; obliged to clear the throat frequently of a starchy nucous: Arg-met, Sel, Stann.

Laryngitis of singers: Arg-met, Sel, Stann.

Dosage: 6 to 200c.

Repetition: Single dose is enough. Repeat when symptoms call for it.

Therapeutic Value: Abdominal colic, Asthma, Convulsions, Cough, Dyspepsia, Headache, Hoarseness, Leucorrhoea, Nausea and vomiting, Phthisis, Prolapse of uterus, Roundworms, etc.

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