Theridion 30 Uses, Benefits – Theridion Materia Medica

  • Sensitive to slightest noise; it penetrates through the body, through painful spots
  • Vertigo, nausea on closing the eyes
  • Great sensitiveness between vertebrae, sits sideways on a chair to avoid pressure on the spine

Source: Animal kingdom
Synonyms: Orange spider. Black spider of Curacoa
Family: Araneideae
Prover: Dr C. Hering

Introduction and History: Theridion was introduced and proved by Hering in 1832. The spider is found in West Indies, chiefly in the island of Curacao. It is about the size of a cherry-stone, and is found on orange trees. It is velvety black when young, with antero-posterior lines composed of white dots; on the posterior side of the body there are three orange-red spots, and on the belly a large square yellow spot. It is very poisonous and produces a highly sensitive, nervous condition with weakness, trembling, coldness, anxiety, faintness, and is easily excited; cold sweat.

Preparation and Parts Used: Tincture of the living spider. Mother tincture
is prepared from the living spider in rectified spirit, from which higher potenciesĀ are prepared.

Constitution and Physiognomy

  1. It is suits persons who are sensitive to noise; every shrill sound penetrates the teeth, the whole body; causing nausea and vertigo.
  2. Also suited to nervous women suffering from seasickness; they close their eyes to get rid of the motion of the vessel and grow deathly sick.

Ailments From: Sea travelling, riding, washing clothes.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): It mainly acts upon the central nervous system, nerves, bones, teeth, etc.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Time passes too quickly.
  2. Patient is startled by the least thing.
  3. There is fruitless activity; finds pleasure in nothing.
  4. It is useful for hysteria, talkativeness and hilarity.
  5. Want of self-confidence.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

Vertigo: Vertigo on closing the eyes, from any or even the least noise; aural or labyrinthine.

Nausea: Nausea from least motion, especially on closing the eyes; from fast riding in a carriage.

Headache: Headache when beginning to move, as of a dull heavy pressure behind the eyes; violent, deep in the brain; worse lying down, walking on the floor, or from least motion of the head.

Chronic nasal catarrh: Discharge of thick, yellow, greenish, offensive mucous.

Toothache: Every shrill sound penetrates the teeth.

Seasickness: Of nervous women; they close their eyes to get rid of the motion of the vessel and grow deathly sick.

Stitching pain: There are violent stitches in upper left chest, below the scapula, extending to the neck.

Pains: Felt in the bones all over, as if broken.

Great sensitiveness: Between vertebrae, sits sideways in a chair to avoid pressure against spine, worse by least noise and jar of foot on floor. There is extreme nervous sensitiveness; of puberty, during pregnancy and climacteric years. Every sound seems to penetrate through the whole body, causing nausea and vertigo.

Bone: It is useful for rachitis, caries, necrosis; it apparently goes to the root of the evil and destroys the cause.

Important Characteristic Features

Headache: A useful medicine for headache felt during sleep, worse by jar; with nausea and vomiting, at climaxis. Head feels thick; thinks it belongs to another; that she can lift it off; or she would like to remove it. Migraine. Patient is joyous during headache. Patient cannot lie down with headache. Worse after stool.

General Modalities

Aggravation: Noise, touch, closing eyes, least motion, exertion, jar, riding, cold, washing clothes, coitus, sunstroke.

Amelioration: Rest – in horizontal position, warmth.

Remedy Relationships

Antidoted by: Acon.

Follows well: Sulph, Calc, Lyc.


Hemicrania worse from closing eyes, worse from noise: Sep, Ther.

Vertigo and faintness on closing eyes: Lach, Ther, Thuj.

Time passes too quickly: Cocc, Ther.

Nasal catarrh – thick, yellow or greenish, offensive: Puls, Thuj, Ther.

Dosage: 3x to 200c potency,


  1. 3x, one drop in water twice daily, in acute diseases.
  2. Higher potencies in chronic diseases. Single dose is enough for a week.

Therapeutic Value: Angina pectoris, Bone affections, Caries, Chronic nasal catarrh, Curvature of spine, Headache, Nausea, Necrosis, Phthisis, Rickets, Seasickness, Toothache.

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