Thyreoidinum Homeopathic Remedy – Thyroidinum 30 Uses, Benefits

  • Craving for large amounts of sugar, sweets
  • Breathlessness better lying in recumbent position

Source: A sarcode
Synonyms: Thyroid extract from thyroid gland of sheep, Iodothyrinum, Iodothyrine
Prover: Dr Hoenigschmied, Dr H.C. Allen, Dr S.K.. Ghosh of Calcutta Duration of Action: Not definite

Introduction and History: When the treatment of myxoedema and allied diseases by ‘Thyroid feeding’ was introduced by Murray in 1892, many accidents occurred from overdosing.

Preparation: Trituration of the fresh thyroid gland of sheep or calf is prepared. Attenuation is prepared from the liquid extract of the gland.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): It acts on the central nervous system, glands, skin, heart, respiration and female sexual organs.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Stupor alternating with restless melancholy.
  2. Patient weeps, undresses. Homicidal tendency.
  3. Patient is suspicious. Ideas of persecution.
  4. ill-tempered, worse opposition; goes into a rage over trifles.
  5. Patient is grumbling; continuously.
  6. Patient is laughs in a way peculiar to herself.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

Headache: Persistent frontal headache; heaviness over the eyes

Eyes: Exophthalmic goitre. There is progressive loss of sight with central scotoma.

Desire: For sweets, and thirst for cold water.

Diabetes mellitus: Increased flow of urine. Urine Smells of violets.

Enuresis: Enuresis in weakly children.

Palpitation: Worse by least exertion; hammering; beats felt in the ear.

Heart: Pains in the heart radiate into the axilla; clutching, constricting pain worse by lying down; causing short breath.

Cough: Dry, painful cough on entering a warm room, from cool air.

Myxoedema: With loss of hair; and cretinism.

Thyroid: Thyroid weakness causes decided craving for large quantities of

Important Characteristic Features

Heart affections: A most valuable medicine for affections of the heart, especially valvular diseases. Palpitation, worse least exertion; hammering; beats felt in the ear. Tachycardia. Angina pectoris in which heart pains radiate into the axilla; clutching, constricting pains, worse lying down; causing short breath. There is hypertrophy after hard labour. Patient feels as if blood was rushing downwards, through the body. There is a jumping sensation in the heart, Presence of large veins on arms and hands.

Skin affections: Skin is very dry; itching without eruptions. Psoriasis with adiposity. Ichthyosis. Itching with jaundice. Peeling of lower limbs. There is brawny swelling. Symmetrical serpiginous eruptions.

General Modalities

Aggravation: Least exertion or cold, stooping, during menses, during pregnancy, labour, puerperal period, menopause.

Amelioration: Lying on abdomen or in reclining position.

Remedy Relationships

Follows well: Lach, Bac.


Infantile jaundice: Cham, Nat-s, Thyr.

Conjunctivitis with chemosis: Apis, Thyr.


  1. It is given in crude doses – cretinism, myxoedema, undescended testicles in boys, ulcers in the legs, obesity.
  2. 3x to 1M in amenorrhoea in obese women, in allergic diseases.


  1. Single dose of high potency.
  2. Bears repetition well in 30 potency and 3x.

Therapeutic Value: Allergy, Aphonia, Dentition, Diabetes, Goitre, Infantile disorders, Myxoedema, Obesity, Rickets, Sexual disorders, Undescended testicles.


  1. When crude doses are given, watch for these toxic effects – rapid pulse, feverishness, headache, pruritus, delirium, general debility, loss of weight, cardiac debility and death.
  2. Contraindication – Dormant phthisis may arise.

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