Vanadium Metallicum ( Homeopathic Medicine For Increase Oxygen Level )

Vanadium Metallicum Uses | Vanadium Metallicum Benefits | Vanadium Metallicum 30 CH

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Vanadium Metallicum acts as an oxygen carrier and catalyst so it is used to eliminate diseases such as throttle, difficulty in breathing and increasing the amount of haemoglobin. It also increases the oxygen level in blood adding oxygen to the toxins and destroying their virus. It also increases and stimulates phagocyte. This drug works well even in he degeneration condition of Liver and Arteries, symptoms like loss of appetite and stomach irritation due to gastro. It is beneficial for the increase of albumen in urine and blood level in body. It helps during cough with dry bleeding, throat irritation, tuberculosis, chronic arthritis and also acts as a tonic in diabetic patients; feeling of extreme pressure on the chest, slowing down of breath. It works well in the problem of shortness of breath.

Benefits of Vanadium Metallicum homeopathic medicine

  1. Relieves congestion and tightness in the chest and helps in breathing better.
  2. Increases oxygen level in blood.
  3. The drug is highly useful in the treatment of liver and kidney damage.
  4. It is used to increase haemoglobin in the blood.
  5. Removes all toxins from the blood and also protects against heart diseases.
  6. Useful in the treatment of loss of appetite and stomach issues.
  7. It can be used to improve digestion and helps to stimulate the appetite.
  8. Works well in the treatment of cough, cold and fever.
  9. It is an excellent medicine for relieving pain associated with arthritis.

Vanadium Metallicum only increases the oxygen level, but if you use these 3 medicines with it then it has great benefits and actions very quickly.

Carbo Veg 30 – 2 drops 3 times a day to drip on the tongue.

Aspidosperma Q – 10 drops with a little water to drink 3 times a day.

Coca 30 – 2 drops 3 times a day to drip on the tongue.

Vanadium Metallicum 30 (Usually 6 and 12 ch gives more benefits, but it is not always available so if 6 or 12 ch if not found then you can give 30 ch) – 2 drops on the tongue 3 times a day.

With the use of this medicine you can feel the difference within 4-5 hours.

Dosage of Vanadium Metallicum – 6-12 CH.

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