Homeopathic Abortion Methods – Homeopathic Remedy For Abortion


Several countries have laws that make it illegal to cause an abortion in the healthy females. The following course can be tried only when the continuing of the pregnancy can cause damage to the health of the patient or to the baby when born and that also, keeping in view the law of the land. The course must be taken no later than 9th week after the start of last menstruation.

Gossypium Q + Macrotinum Q – mixed in equal quantity and given in 40 drops a dose, thrice daily causes abortion within five days. If it does not occur in five days, wait for five more days before trying the second course. More than two courses are not advisable. Stop the treatment when the bleeding starts.

Carica papaya Q induces abortion when locally applied to the mouth of the uterus. It causes the cervix to soften and dilate, and the uterus to contract, expelling the fetus.

NOTE: Both the treatments should be given simultaneously.

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