Acid Phos 200 Uses – Acidum Phosphoricum 30 Benefits

  • Apathetic, indifferent, listless. Ailments from loss of vital fluids
  • Worse after a short sleep
  • All discharges are profuse and debilitating except diarrhoea
  • Headache, crushing weight on vertex; worse music, motion; better lying down; in rapidly growing children

Source: Mineral kingdom
Synonyms: Phosphoric acid
Prover: Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the ninth dilution of the drug
Duration of Action: As per Dr Clarke, 40 days
Miasmatic Background: Psora, syphilis and sycosis are in the background
Temperament: Mild disposition and yielding temperament
Thermal Relationship: Chilly patient

Introduction and History: Phosphoricum acidum is another of Hahnemann’s immortal legacies in Materia Medica Pura. It is an invaluable remedy well deserving the name NERVE TONIC according to Dr Hughes in the book Manual of Pharmacodynamics. Like all other acids, it has marked debility and prostration.

Preparation: Dilutions are prepared from the crystals of phosphoric acid.

Constitution and Physiognomy: It is best suited to:

  1. Persons of originally strong constitutions, who have become debilitated by loss of vital fluids, sexual excessess, violent acute diseases, chagrin or long succession of moral emotions.
  2. Persons of mild disposition.
  3. Children and young people who have grown rapidly tall, slender and slim with pain in the back and limbs as if beaten; growing pains.

Ailment From: From loss of vital fluids, phosphates in urine, care, chagrin, grief, disappointment in love and affection, homesickness.

Seat of Action (Pharmacodynamics): It mainly acts on the brain, nerves, blood, kidneys, mucous membranes, male and female sexual organs and bones.

Physio-pathological Changes (Pathology)

  1. It produces mental and physical debility but the mental symptoms are first to develop.
  2. The remedy runs from mentals to physical, from brain to muscles.
  3. It also produces haemorrhages, digestive troubles and inflammation of bones.

Characteristic Mental Symptoms (Psychology)

  1. Patient is LISTLESS, DULL, APATHETIC, INDIFFERENT to affairs of own life, prostrated and stupefied with grief.
  2. Aversion to talking. Cannot collect thoughts or find the right word.
  3. Difficult comprehension. Bad effects of grief and mental shock.
  4. Delirium with great stupefaction.
  5. Answers slowly but correctly.
  6. Homesickness with an inclination to weep.
  7. Dread of future, broods over one’s condition. Pining with emaciation.
  8. Patient is abashed, sad; despair of cure with loss of vital fluids.
  9. Patient is greatly distressed by culpability of the act instead.

Characteristic Physical Guiding Symptoms

Headache: Headache in occiput and nape of neck, extends from back to front, crushing weight on vertex from long lasting grief or exhausted nerves, of school going girls from eye strain, overuse of eyes, of students who are growing fast; aggravated from least motion, noise especially music; better from lying.

Debility: Debility after violent acute diseases; night sweats

Typhoid, delirium, muttering: Patient lies in a stupor, unconscious of all that is going on around him. When he is aroused, is fully conscious, answers slowly and correctly and then again lapses into stupor.

Diarrhoea: Painless, non-debilitating, involuntary stools with flatus; from fears or foods.

Bones: A useful medicine for rickets. Inflammation of bones – scrofulous, syphilitic, mercurial or sycotic.

Periostitis: Pains are burning, tearing, as if scraped with a knife.

Necrosis: Necrosis in stem after amputation.

Neuralgia: There are boring, drawing, digging pains in nerves of extremities.

Diabetes: For diabetes with nervous debility in early stages.

Spermatorrhoea: Frequent, profuse, debilitating seminal emissions after coitus, several in one night; abashed, sad; has despair of cure.

Chest weak: From talking and coughing in phthisis, from loss of vital fluids. Too rapid growth, depressing mental emotions.

Intestinal haemorrhage: It is a useful medicine for intestinal haemorrhage in which blood is dark; from typhoid fever.

Urine: Urine looks like milk, mixed with jelly-like, bloody pieces; decomposes rapidly, profuse urination at night of clear, watery urine which forms a white cloud at once; contains phosphates.

Trembling: Patient trembles, stumbles easily; makes missteps; legs are weak.

Important Characteristic Features

Headache: A useful medicine for headache from long lasting grief and exhausted nerves. It is useful for congestive headaches in school going girls from slight exertion of mind and overuse of eyes. There are periosteal pains, bone aches, as if scraped; better by motion; when lying, the pain shifts to side lain on. Morning headaches. Patient is sensitive to cold weather and also to a warm room. During headache, the pain often begins in the back of the head and spreads to the top of the head; sensation as if a crushing weight were on top of the head. There is pressure as from a weight on the head from above downwards. These headaches are associated with mental weakness and brain fag; so tired and exhausted. Worse from mental or physical exertion, from being talked to, light cold weather. Better from keeping warm, absolute quiet, being alone and at rest.

Affections of urogenital system: It is a very useful medicine for diabetes mellitus or insipidus from sexual excesses, onanism, shock or perspiration. Urine becomes milky on standing, as if flour, chalk or phosphate deposits have been stirred. Profuse urination at night. Urine is clear, watery, but forms a white cloud due to excessive phosphate in urine caused by nerve waste. There is a constant urging to urinate, involuntary urination. In the morning, a few drops of gleety discharge appear in the urine.

Sexual sphere: It is a very useful medicine for senile debility from bad effects of sexual excesses. There is sexual weakness, prolonged exhaustion, impotency in masturbators having nocturnal pollutions with great exhaustion. The patient is sad, depressed, apathetic, hopeless and has despair of recovery. There is prostatorrhoea immediately after every erection; discharge of prostatic fluids. Even when passing a soft stool, prostatic fluid is discharged.

Typhoid: It is a very typical medicine for typhoid fever. The complaints come on slowly, are slow to decline and slowly increase the prostration. Such appearances characterize the advanced stage of typhoid. It has prostration, tympanitic abdomen, dry brown tongue, sordes on teeth, gradually approaching unconsciousness; little thirst, increasing to intense thirst with craving for much water during perspiration; wants to be left alone; looks at a questionnaire with glassy eyes as if slowly comprehending the question; pupils contracted or dilated; eyes sunken; hippocratic continence; continued fever, bleeding from the nose, lungs, bowels; haemorrhage from any mucous membrane; sunken eyes; discoloured lips, covered with sordes, becoming very black, prostration gradually increasing. Finally comes the muscular Soreness which increases until the jaw drops and it seems that the patient may die of exhaustion. It cures such states which come from haemorrhages and checks the haemorrhage, it rarely prevents dropsy. There is a state of anaemia; pale lips and tongue; coldness of parts.

General Modalities

Aggravation: Mental affections, loss of vital fluids, seminal losses, self abuse, masturbation, sexual excesses, bad news, decreasing emotions, draft of cold, wind, music, walking.

Amelioration: From warmth, short sleep, pain better by motion, or pressure.

Remedy Relationships

Follows well: Ars, Bell, Chin, Caust, Ferr, Fl-ac, Lyc, Puls, Rhus-t, Sel, Sep, Verat.

Antidote: Camph.


Ailments from homesickness: Ign, Ph-ac, Caps.

Mild yielding disposition: Ph-ac, Puls.

Headache of school girls from eyestrain: Calc-p, Nat-m, Ph-ac.

Diarrhoea with flatus: Aloe, Nat-m, Ph-ac.

Chest weakness from talking or cough: Ph-ac, Stann.

Indifferent to one’s occupation: Fl-ac, Ph-ac, Sep.

Craving for acids or refreshing things: Ph-ac, Verat.

Dosage: First to twelfth potency.

Repetition: Bears repetition well.

Therapeutic Value: Chagrin, Cough, Delirium, Diabetes, Diarrhoea, Emissions, Headache, Intestinal haemorrhage, Osteitis, Periostitis, Rickets, Spermatorrhoea, Typhoid

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