Homeopathic Medicine for Hypermetropia – Far Sightedness


Homeopathic Medicine for Hypermetropia – Far Sightedness

Calcarea carb. (Thrice a day): Far sightedness due to chronic dilatation of pupils or spots and ulcers on the cornea. Appearance of mist before the eyes.

Natrium mur. 200 (One dose daily): Weakness of vision due to fatigue of ciliary muscles and due to excessive watering of eyes.

Petroleum (Thrice a day): Weak sight in people who have a history of gonorrhea in the family. There is a pus like discharge from the eyes.

Pilocarpus (Thrice a day): Everything at a distance looks faint. White spots before eyes, and pupils contracted. It also works for myopia.

Ruta 3x (Thrice a day): Weakness of vision due to fatigue of ciliary muscles. Painful vision.

Sepia (Thrice a day): Weakness of vision due to fatigue of ciliary muscles. Black spots before the eyes. General weakness of eyes in women due to uterine troubles.

NOTE 1: When the eyes fail to focus images accurately, result is blurred vision. Glasses or contact lenses are the conventional way of correcting the problem. Above remedies and dietary measures arrest the deterioration and in some cases, improve the existing eyesight.

NOTE 2: Red, orange, yellow fruits and green vegetables are rich in antioxidant nutrients and vitamin A, C and E which encounter the eye damage.

NOTE 3: Yoga based eye exercises also help.

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