Homeopathic Medicine for Lungs


Homeopathic Medicine for Lungs

Antimonium ars. (Thrice a day): Useful in the destruction of the passages of the lungs causing breathing difficulties.

Antimonium tart. (Thrice a day): Rapid, short, difficult breathing, seems as if he would suffocate. Better by lying on the right side. Emphysema of the aged.

Apocynum can. 1x (Thrice a day): Congestion of lungs in dropsy. Gasping respiration. Water is swallowed the wrong way through the wind pipe in the lungs which is a very dangerous condition.

Arsenicum alb. (Thrice a day): Breathing is oppressed and respiration is wheezing on account of lung troubles.

Aspidosperma Q: ‘The tonic of lungs’. Removes temporary obstruction to the oxidation of blood by stimulating respiratory centres increasing oxidation and excretion of carbolic acid. Thrombosis of the pulmonary artery. 5 drops a dose every 2 hour till required. A great lung tonic.

Bryonia alba (Thrice a day): Pulmonary fibrosis and cysts in the lungs. Pressure behind the sternum and right shoulder. Cramping pain in the axilla and chest worse movement.

Calcarea hypophos. 3x (Thrice a day): Bleeding from lungs.

Coca Q (Twice a day) 2-5 drops in ½ cup of water: Emphysema. Want of breath, short breath.

Elaps cor. (Thrice a day): Hemorrhage from the lungs. The blood is like black ink. Expectoration of black blood on coughing with terrible stitching pain in the lungs.

Hydrocyanicum acidum (Thrice a day): Paralysis of lungs. Venously congested lungs.

Quebracho Q (Twice a day) 5-10 drops in ½ cup of water: Emphysema. Want of breath during exercise.

Senega (Thrice a day): Chronic emphysema. Portion of lungs is destroyed. Old asthmatics with congestive attacks.

Spongia (Thrice a day): Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and cysts in the lungs. The patient is nervous. He has rapid palpitation with dyspnea. Get up suddenly after midnight with pain and suffocation. Profuse expectoration and wheezing. Cough rises deep from the lungs.

Tribulus ter. Q (Four times a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: This remedy is given in lung cancer. 10 drops a dose, four times a day.

NOTE: In pulmonary fibrosis, scar tissue forms in the lungs. The scarring damages the alveoli where exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place in the lungs. It is neither a cancer nor is it contagious. One of the causes is inhaling of fine metal or other solid particles. When the cause is not known, it is called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Dry cough and shortness of breath are the first visible signs. It is confirmed by X-rays or CT scan or biopsy. Conventional treatment consists of administration of corticosteroids and in homeopathy the inflammation is reduced by the above remedies selected according to the symptoms.

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