Homeopathic Medicine for Lupus – Ulcerating Skin Disease


Homeopathic Medicine for Lupus – Ulcerating Skin Disease

Structure: This is a form of epithelial cancer and is also called “eating cancer”.

Symptoms: It first appears on the nose as a hard, dusky red sore and spreads in an ulcerative form destroying the tissues till the bones are exposed. This affects women 10 times more than men. It usually appears in women between the age of 20 – 40 years, although it can occur at any age. Nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain may accompany. It is an ulcerative skin disease and requires a long-time treatment. Sensitivity to sun light is usually present.

Causes: Lupus is caused by disruption of body waste disposal system from failure of special enzyme “D Nasil” which fails to remove wastes from the body.

Diagnostic tests: The disease is easily noticeable as it is outside the body on the skin and biopsy is performed to confirm it.

Surgery: If possible, the affected portion of the body is cut out.


Alumina (Thrice a day): Pale face. Blue lips with lupus on the nose.

Apis mel. (Thrice a day): Lupus with characteristic effect like stings of the bees with rosy swelling, stinging pains, intolerance of heat and aggravation on slightest touch.

Aurum mur. 3x (Thrice a day): If the bones of the nose seem to be involved and there is very offensive discharge from the nose.

Bacillinum 200 (One dose only) Repeat after 1 week: The treatment should be started with this remedy and the indicated remedy should be given after seven days.

Cistus can. (Thrice a day): Lupus with hard and indurated glands. Skin hard, dry, fissured with deep cracks. Itching all over. Can be used locally in tincture, 5 drops in one ounce of water to wash and arrest the fetid discharge.

Graphites 200c (One dose only) Repeat after 4 days: Lupus of nose when there is obstruction of the, nares, cracked skin and every injury tends to ulceration. A dose every four day.

Guarea t. Q (Twice a day) 5-10 drops in ½ cup of water: Lupus with red, yellow or brown pigmentation of the skin. Yellow spot on the temple.

Hydrastis Q: Lupus. Ulceration of the skin with thick, yellowish, ropy secretion. It should be applied locally mixed with glycerine in the ratio 1: 3.

Hydrocotyle Q: Dry eruptions with great thickening of the epidermoid layer and exfoliation of scales. Lupus without ulceration. There is profuse perspiration. A dose of 10 drops every three hours arrests the disease in a short time.

Kalium bich. (Thrice a day): Papular or vesicular eruptions resembling smallpox with itching and burning.

Radium brom. (Thrice a day): Inflammation and swelling of the skin with ulceration and redness. Burning of skin with itching. A good remedy under these circumstances for lupus.

Scrophularia (Mother Tincture) (Twice a day) 5 drops in ½ cup of water: A valuable remedy in cases of lupus ulceration. It can also be painted on the affected parts.

Staphysagria 6x (Thrice a day): This is a useful remedy in lupus where there are ulcers inside or outside the nose with bruised pain in the arm and legs.

Thuja occ. 1000 (One dose only): Treatment maybe started with this remedy. Next indicated remedy can be given after 24 hours of its use. In some cases, use of this remedy alone in 30c potency for a very long period may cure the disease.

NOTE 1: In 1851, the French dermatologist Cazenave employed the Latin term ‘Lupus’ (meaning wolf) to describe the skin rash that spread over the bridge of the nose and cheeks in a characteristic butterfly shape. Why he named it so, is unclear. The disease affects women 8 to 10 times more than men. It usually appears in women between the ages of 20-40 years, although it can occur at any age. Nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain may accompany. It is an ulcerating skin disease and requires a very long treatment. Illness is more common in women.

NOTE 2: A study published in June 2000 issue of the journal “Nature Genetics” New York by scientists – Mark Walpart of London, Essen of Germany and other researchers shows that lupus is caused by disruption of body’s waste disposal system from failure of special enzyme “D Nasel”, which fails to remove wastes from the body.

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