Homeopathic Medicine for Metrorrhagia


Homeopathic Medicine for Metrorrhagia

Bovista (Thrice a day): Bleeding between the periods and profuse, bloody leucorrhea. Traces of menses between menstruation.

Calcarea silicata (Thrice a day): Heavy vaginal discharge with painful irregular periods.

Causticum (Thrice a day): Bleeding stops at night and restarts the next day.

Erigeron (Thrice a day): Metrorrhagia with violent irritation of rectum and bladder, prolapsus uteri. Bright red flow.

Ferrum phos. (Four times a day): Menses every three weeks, with a bearing down sensation and pain on top of the head. Vagina dry and hot.

Graphites (One dose daily): The regular periods become irregular and delayed. Obstinate constipation.

Medorrhinum (One dose daily): Bleeding during the period other than menstruation. Menses offensive, profuse, dark and clotted. Blood stains on clothes are difficult to remove by washing.

Natrium mur. (Twice a day): Irregular and profuse menstruation. A severe headache as the bleeding ends.

Nitricum acidum (Thrice a day): Bleeding between the periods with pain in the back and legs. This may happen due to overexertion or lifting heavy weights.

Nux vomica (One dose daily): Menses always irregular; start too early and last too long. Constant urging to stool during menstruation. Irritability precedes and remains with the flow. Periods occur every too weeks or so.

Phosphorus (Twice a day): Slight hemorrhage from the uterus between periods. Menses too early and scanty, and last long. Weeps before menses.

Sabina (Thrice a day): Discharge of blood between periods with sexual excitement. Hemorrhage from the uterus with partly clotted blood, worse from least motion.

Secale cor. (Thrice a day): Continuous oozing of thin watery blood between periods until the start of next period.

Thlaspi bursa Q (Thrice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Too frequent and copious menses. Scarcely recovers from one period when another starts.

Trillium pend. Q (Thrice a day) 10 drops in ½ cup of water: Menses every two weeks and long lasting for a week or over and leucorrhea between the periods of bleeding.

Viscum album (Thrice a day): Chronic metrorrhagia.

NOTE: Menstruation is often irregular at the start of puberty or when approaching menopause. It is merely an indication of hormonal changes and is not abnormal.

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